Shipping and trade in Indonesia, Java, 1774-1777
The dataset contains data on the technological developments and changes, the mobility, ethnicity, shipping, army and trade in the Netherlands East Indies in the period... -
Amsterdam Convooigeld 1580 and 1584
Import and export in Amsterdam in July-October 1580 en January-June 1584, on the basis of registers of "Convooigeld". -
Dutch entries in the pound-toll registers of Elbing, 1585-1700
This dataset contains the transcription of the Dutch entries in the Elbing pound-toll registers in the 1585-1700 period. Data were entered at two different levels, which... -
Trade in the port city of Thessaloniki, 1830-1939
The dataset contains trade information of the city of Thessaloniki during the period 1880-1939. Data included: trade figures, ships and trade products that arrived in the port... -
South China Sea trade, 1681-1792
The dataset provides facts and figures about the trade between Batavia and China, by way of the South China Sea, in the period 1681-1792. It provides quantitative and... -
Shipping and trade in the Java Sea, 1870-1940
This dataset contains data on shipping and trade in the Java Sea in the period from 1870 until 1940. The dataset forms the basis of a source publication. The collection of... -
Diary of Paulus Gevers of his journey to Batavia and Bantam, 1776-1777
The Rotterdam Patriot Paulus Gevers (1741-1797), sets sail on the 8th of December 1776 on the ship of Captain Adrianus Frederik de Graaff, 'De Jonge Lieve', as junior merchant... -
Dutch-Asiatic shipping, 1602-1795
This dataset contains outward-bound and homeward-bound voyages of Dutch ships between the Netherlands East Indies and the Republic of the United Netherlands from 1602 until... -
Baltic trade 1845
This dataset contains information on baltic trade in the year 1845, based on the shipping records in the Sound Toll Accounts (STA). -
Dataset belonging to "Inland navigation contributes to the remobilization of ...
The dataset belonging to the publication titled: "Inland navigation contributes to the remobilization of land-based plastics into riverine systems". Date Submitted: 2022-07-14 -
Mitigation of inland navigation effects on biodiversity by longitudinal train...
This dataset is for the report titled "Mitigation of inland navigation effects on biodiversity by longitudinal training dams". The report focuses on assessing the effects that... -
Shipping contribution to European air quality and depositions, both in 2018 a...
Emissions from ships are one important source of pollutants that effect both the air and water quality. Here the 2018 European air quality is modelled using the System for... -
Dynamic berth and quay crane allocation for multiple berth positions and quay...
Data on ships, berth and cranes used for dynamical modeling of complex container terminal operations.