Shipping contribution to European air quality and depositions, both in 2018 and in two future scenarios for 2050, modelled by SILAM CTM


Emissions from ships are one important source of pollutants that effect both the air and water quality. Here the 2018 European air quality is modelled using the System for Integrated modeLling of Atmospheric coMposition (SILAM) chemistry transport model, together with Ship Traffic Assessment Model (STEAM). Annual mean surface concentrations and depositions of various species are calculated for the year 2018, both with and without shipping emissions in European scale at a resolution of 0.05 degrees. Additionally, the air quality and deposition fields were modelled by using the two shipping emission scenarios for the year 2050. The shipping emission for the year 2018 and for the future scenarios S3 and S8 were specifically build for the EU Horizon project EMERGE.

The dispersion of different air pollutants and other related species is followed by using System for Integrated modeLling of Atmospheric coMposition (SILAM) chemistry transport model version 5.8 (, open-source code For standard air pollutants the model uses CAMS regional emissions inventory version 4.2, while the year 2018 shipping emissions are replaced by the most recent hourly STEAM emission fields generated for the EMERGE project. The model is driven by ECMWF's high resolution (0.1 x 0.1 degrees) hourly operational weather forecast that is based on the Integrated Forecasting System (IFS). The SILAM dispersion model is run both with and without the 2018 shipping emissions. Additionally, the model is also run using the two future shipping emissions scenarios for 2050. These scenarios not only estimate the growth of the shipping sector, but also take into account the developments in exhaust gas cleaning systems (known as scrubbers) and use of alternative fuels. The description of these scenarios can be found, e.g., in Both future scenarios, S3 and S8, are first run using the land emissions for 2018. Secondly, the future state is modelled using the scaled land emissions for 2050 (based on ECLIPSE Maximum Feasible Reduction scenario), and running the model without shipping emissions, and with the same two scenario emissions (S3 and S8) for shipping. In all runs the meteorological driver is for the year 2018. The yearly averaged output is in 0.05 x 0.05 degree resolution and contains the surface concentrations, wet and dry depositions, together with optical depths of all SILAM tropospheric species. The chemistry is based on the CBM05 model with secondary organic aerosols. Additionally, the model includes sea-salt and desert-dust.

The dataset contains 7 different netCDF files from 7 model runs, all containing the same set of species, with the exception that the runs without shipping do not have ash originating from ships. The files are related to following setups:

  • SILAM-NO-SHIP-2018LandEmis-2018YearMean.nc4: Model run with CAMS-REG-4.2 regional emissions for 2018 and without shipping emissions.
  • SILAM-NO-SHIP-2050LandEmis-2018YearMean.nc4: Model run with CAMS-REG-4.2 regional emissions scaled to estimate the 2050 land-emissions, and without shipping emissions.
  • SILAM-SCEN3-SHIP-2018LandEmis-2018YearMean.nc4: Model run with CAMS-REG-4.2 regional emissions for 2018, together with 2050 STEAM S3 scenario emissions for shipping.
  • SILAM-SCEN3-SHIP-2050LandEmis-2018YearMean.nc4: Model run with CAMS-REG-4.2 regional emissions scaled to estimate the 2050 land-emissions, together with 2050 STEAM S3 scenario emissions for shipping.
  • SILAM-SCEN8-SHIP-2018LandEmis-2018YearMean.nc4: Model run with CAMS-REG-4.2 regional emissions for 2018, together with 2050 STEAM S8 scenario emissions for shipping.
  • SILAM-SCEN8-SHIP-2050LandEmis-2018YearMean.nc4: Model run with CAMS-REG-4.2 regional emissions scaled to estimate the 2050 land-emissions, together with 2050 STEAM S8 scenario emissions for shipping.
  • SILAM-STEAM-SHIP-2018LandEmis-2018YearMean.nc4: Model run with CAMS-REG-4.2 regional emissions for 2018, together with STEAM emissions for shipping (base-run).

Note that the land based emissions for Lead and Cadmium, that were taken from EMEP emission inventory, are always kept in their 2018 levels, also in runs that are based on the 2050 land emissions of standard air pollutants.

Metadata Access
Creator Hänninen, Risto; Sofiev, Mikhail; Uppstu, Andreas; Kouznetsov, Rostislav; Palamarchuk, Julia
Instrument System for Integrated modeLling of Atmopsheric coMposition SILAM
Publisher Finnish Meteorological Institute
Contributor Hänninen, Risto; Sofiev, Mikhail; Uppstu, Andreas; Kouznetsov, Rostislav; Palamarchuk, Julia; SILAM team, Finnish Meteorological Institute; Finnish Meteorological Institute
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference European Union H2020 874990
Rights CC-BY; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact Risto.Hanninen(at)
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Format nc4
Size 7.5 GB; 7 files
Discipline Environmental science
Spatial Coverage (-24.000W, 30.000S, 45.000E, 71.000N); Europe (0.05 x 0.05 degree resolution)
Temporal Coverage 2017-12-31T22:00:00.000Z 2018-12-31T22:00:00.000Z