Ammattirakenteen ja sosiaalisen aseman muutos 1994
Aineistossa kartoitetaan monipuolisilla kysymyksillä vastaajan nykyistä ammattia, työn luonnetta, päätöksentekoa työpaikalla, työn sisältöä, vastaajan työuraa, koulutusta,... -
EVAn kansallinen asennetutkimus 1988
Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin suomalaisten asenteita ja arvoja. Teemoja olivat kansainvälistyminen, suhtautuminen yrittäjyyteen ja yksityistämiseen, suhtautuminen... -
Ammattirakenteen ja sosiaalisen aseman muutos 1988
Aineistossa kartoitetaan monipuolisilla kysymyksillä vastaajan nykyistä ammattia, työyhteisöä, työn luonnetta, päätöksentekoa työpaikalla, työn sisältöä, vastaajan työuraa,... -
EVAn Arvo- ja asennetutkimus syksy 2018
Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin suomalaisten arvoja ja asenteita. Tällä kertaa teemoina ovat sosiaaliturvan uudistaminen, maahanmuutto, luottamus yhteiskunnan eri toimijoihin,... -
Uppsala Birth Cohort Multigeneration Study (UBCoS)
The unique multigenerational data base, Uppsala Birth Cohort Multigeneration Study (UBCoS), was established in 2004 by combining existing data on a representative and... -
Varianter på demokrati Dataset - Version 9
Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) is a new approach to conceptualizing and measuring democracy. We provide a multidimensional and disaggregated dataset that reflects the complexity... -
Varianter på demokrati Dataset - Version 10
Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) is a new approach to conceptualizing and measuring democracy. We provide a multidimensional and disaggregated dataset that reflects the complexity... -
Familj och arbetsliv på 2000-talet - Familj och arbetsliv
The project 'Family and Working Life in the 21st Century' (YAPS) began in 1998. The aim was to establish a longitudinal database for studying the mutual relationship between... -
Danska Västindien-panelen
Economic-demographic panel dataset over the Danish West Indies (current-day US Virgin Islands), 1760-1914. The dataset contains demographic information on the population, and... -
Electoraat en elite : Sociale structuur en sociale mobiliteit in Amsterdam, 1...
Social structure and social mobility in Amsterdam/ changes in social structure, and chances for mobility/ The changes in social structure in Amsterdam between 1850 and 1895/... -
Socio-historical description of Amsterdam, about 1800
This dataset contains information about the social structure in the nineteenth-century Amsterdam society. It provides data on the type and composition of the households. -
Suicide, demographic, socio-structural, infrastructure and crime statistics o...
English: The data set contains 503 variables and 624 observations on suicides and suicide rates as well as on demographic, socio-structural, infrastructure and crime... -
Code/Syntax: Nachhaltiger Lebensmittelkonsum – eine Frage sozialer Differenzi...
Nachhaltiger Lebensmittelkonsum stellt ein Kernelement bei der Bewältigung der Klimakrise dar; entsprechend geht mit der aktuellen Nachhaltigkeitsbewegung ein breites Angebot... -
Varianter på demokrati Dataset - Version 8
Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) is a new approach to conceptualizing and measuring democracy. We provide a multidimensional and disaggregated dataset that reflects the complexity... -
SOM-undersökningen i Göteborg 2019
In the autumn of 2019, the fourth edition of the Gothenburg SOM survey was conducted. A total of 5000 randomly selected citizens of Gothenburg answered questions about attitudes... -
SOM-undersökningen i Göteborg 2020
In the autumn of 2020, the fifth edition of the Gothenburg SOM survey was conducted. A total of 8 000 randomly selected citizens of Gothenburg answered questions about attitudes... -
SOM-undersökningen i Göteborg 2021
In the autumn of 2021, the sixth edition of the Gothenburg SOM survey was conducted. A total of 7000 randomly selected citizens of Gothenburg answered questions about attitudes... -
Välj vilka du samverkar med på ett klokt sätt: Att genom samverkan hantera öm...
The study applies a network-centric method to investigate wildfire responder networks in Canada and Sweden. It investigates actor collaboration when addressing interdependent... -
Malmö Förebyggande Medicin
The MPP was started in the early 70's as a screening survey in the middle-aged population of Malmö, the third largest city of Sweden. Subjects born in Malmö and residents of the... -
Malmö Förebyggande Medicin
The MPP was started in the early 70's as a screening survey in the middle-aged population of Malmö, the third largest city of Sweden. Subjects born in Malmö and residents of the...