Bioassays quantifying the adverse effects of three strains of the harmful din...
RTgill-W1 gill cells of the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were subjected to supernatants from exponentially grown Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax cultures for 24 h to create... -
Bioassays quantifying the adverse effects of three strains of the harmful din...
RTgill-W1 gill cells of the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were subjected to supernatants from exponentially grown Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax cultures for 24 h to create... -
Predator-prey interactions between the heterotrophic protist Polykrikos kofoi...
The ingestion rates of the heterotrophic protist Polykrikos kofoidii feeding on three different species of Alexandrium were determined by means of incubation experiments in... -
Predator-prey interactions between the heterotrophic protist Polykrikos kofoi...
The ingestion rates of the heterotrophic protist Polykrikos kofoidii feeding on two different species of Alexandrium were determined by means of incubation experiments in... -
Effects of Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax culture supernatants on the hatching r...
The hatching rate success of Acartia tonsa eggs exposed to cell-free supernatants of three strains of Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax was assessed. This dataset contains the count... -
Intracellular goniodomin A (GDA) content of Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax deter...
The ingestion rates of three Acartia tonsa life-stages (N4-nauplii, C4-copepodites and adult copepods) feeding on three different strains of Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax,... -
Ingestion rates of three Acartia tonsa life-stages (N4-nauplii, C4-copepodite...
The ingestion rates of three Acartia tonsa life-stages (N4-nauplii, C4-copepodites and adult copepods) feeding on three different strains of Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax,... -
Absolute electron transport rates of Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax after exposu...
In the exponential growth phase, electron transport rates irradiance curves were conducted applying 10 irradiances from 0 up to ~1900 μmol photons m-2 s-1 for 5 min for each... -
Growth response, toxin/pigment/nutrient content and photophysiological parame...
The effect of different light intensities (20, 100 and 200 μmol photons m-2 s-1) on the growth response, toxin/pigment/nutrient content and photophysiology of Alexandrium... -
Indoor laboratory experiment testing the effect of different nitrogen sources...
The effect of different nitrogen sources (N-deplete, NO3-, NH4+, Urea) on the growth response and toxin content of Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax, isolated in 2020 from the Danish... -
Bioassays quantifying the lytic capabilities of supernatants from Alexandrium...
The cryptophyte Rhodomonas salina was subjected to various concentrations of supernatants of Alexandrium (A. pseudogonyaulax, A. monilatum) for 3 or 24 h. Then, the percentage... -
The effects of size and strain on the electronic behavior of AlN/GaN heteroju...
The electronic behavior of AlN/GaN heterojunction is investigated at thicknesses of 1.2~4.2 nm and biaxial strain of -8%~8% based on density functional theory. The structural... -
KMZ files for Ibex Hills Fold Activity
The KMZ files depict fold extrusions and arrows which indicate the strain directions related to said folding. The arrows are intended to be moved by students to show their... -
AMS data and videodocumentation of shear zone analogue modelling in plaster o...
The analogue modelling of magnetic fabric in shear-zones was used to explore the time and space relationships between the finite strain and the anisotropy of magnetic... -
Advanced photonics for marine hydrokinetic structural health monitoring
The results of demonstration tests of a full-scale hydrokinetic turbine for river and tidal sites, are presented at the conclusion of the EU-funded CRIMSON project. The turbine... -
Aseismic strain episodes at Campi Flegrei Caldera
In 2004, the DINEV project started in the Campi Flegrei - Vesuvius volcanic areas (Scarpa et al., 2007). This research program belongs to the Centro Regionale di Competenza... -
Phonon-limited mobility for electrons and holes in highly-strained silicon
Strain engineering is a widely used technique for enhancing the mobility of charge carriers in semiconductors, but its effect is not fully understood. In this work, we perform... -
Phonon-limited mobility for electrons and holes in highly-strained silicon
Strain engineering is a widely used technique for enhancing the mobility of charge carriers in semiconductors, but its effect is not fully understood. In this work, we perform... -
Impact of in-situ strain-tuning on the magnetic structure of Ca3Ru2O7
We propose to perform high-resolution neutron diffraction on strained Ca3Ru2O7, a material in which electron correlations, spin-orbit coupling and crystal fields combine to... -
Aseismic strain counts, QUAR 2010-03-20 to 2010-04-09
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