600 datasets found

Keywords: supernovae

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  • SNe 2021acya, 2021adxl, 2022qml, and 2022wed

    At late stages, massive stars experience strong mass-loss rates, losing their external layers and thus producing a dense H-rich circumstellar medium (CSM). After the explosion...
  • CSP type II SN NIR and opt. light curves

    Type II supernovae (SNe II) mark the endpoint in the lives of hydrogen-rich massive stars. Their large explosion energies and luminosities allow us to measure distances,...
  • SN 2020xga and SN 2022xgc light curves

    We present photometric and spectroscopic observations of SN 2020xga and SN 2022xgc, two hydrogen-poor superluminous supernovae (SLSNe-I) at z=0.4296 and z=0.3103 respectively,...
  • X-ray SN2014C obs. & CSM interaction in SNe

    We present the results from our 7yr long broadband X-ray observing campaign of SN 2014C with Chandra and NuSTAR. These coordinated observations represent the first look at the...
  • Spectral Measurements of ZTF SN Ia DR2

    More than 3000 spectroscopically confirmed Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are presented in the Zwicky Transient Facility SN Ia Data Release 2 (ZTF DR2). In this paper, we detail...
  • ZTF SN Ia DR2. Secondary maximum in Type Ia SN

    Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) light curves have a secondary maximum that exists in the r, i, and near-infrared filters. The secondary maximum is relatively weak in the r band, but...
  • SN 2020alm spectrum

    The nature of the progenitor systems and explosion mechanisms that give rise to Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are still debated. The interaction signature of circumstellar...
  • ZTF SN Ia DR2

    The Zwicky Transient Facility SN Ia Data Release 2 (ZTF SN Ia DR2) contains more than 3000 Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), providing the largest homogeneous low-redshift sample of...
  • Photometric obs. of SN 2022ilv and SN 2020hvf

    We present observations and analysis of the hostless and luminous Type Ia supernova 2022ilv, illustrating it is part of the 2003fg-like family, often referred to as...
  • Candidate lensed SNe Ia in the ZTF archive

    Gravitationally lensed type Ia supernovae (glSNe Ia) are unique astronomical tools that can be used to study cosmological parameters, distributions of dark matter, the...
  • SN 2009nr UBVRI light curves

    We present the results of our UBVRI CCD photometry for the second brightest supernova of 2009, SN 2009nr, discovered during a sky survey with the telescopes of the MASTER...
  • Observations of supernovae in 1997-1999

    Photometric observations of 15 supernovae discovered in the period 1997-1999 are presented. Cone search capability for table J/PAZh/30/37/table1 (Main data on the supernovae and...
  • Point source catalogue of M31. DR2

    We present Data Release 2 of the Point Source Catalogue created from a series of previously constructed radio-continuum images of M31 at lambda=20cm (nu=1.4GHz) from archived...
  • NGC 300 candidate supernova remnants

    We present the results of a study of observational and identification techniques used for surveys and spectroscopy of candidate supernova remnants (SNRs) in the Sculptor Group...
  • iPTF 14gqr (SN 2014ft) photometry

    Compact neutron star binary systems are produced from binary massive stars through stellar evolution involving up to two supernova explosions. The final stages in the formation...
  • Sgr A East SNR multiwavelength images

    Dust formation in supernova ejecta is currently the leading candidate to explain the large quantities of dust observed in the distant, early universe. However, it is unclear...
  • Classifications of 188 SNe Ia

    Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) have been used as excellent standardizable candles for measuring cosmic expansion, but their progenitors are still elusive. Here, we report that the...
  • Supernova host galaxies in SDSS-IV MaNGA

    We crossmatch galaxies from Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory with the Open Supernova Catalog, obtaining a total of 132 SNe within MaNGA bundle. These 132 SNe...
  • UBVRI light curves of SN 2011dh

    CCD UBVRI photometry is presented for type IIb SN 2011dh for about 300 days. The main photometric parameters are derived and the comparison with SNe of similar types is...
  • SN 2008ax UBVRI light curves

    CCD UBVRI photometry covering about 320 days is presented for the type IIb SN 2008ax. Its photometric behavior is typical of core-collapse SNe with low amount of hydrogen. The...
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