Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzer Heat Dissipation Through Porous M...
Investigation focuses on resolving the temperature distribution of water within porous media of electrochemical device using ToF neutron imaging technique. The temperature of... -
SANS Studies of Novel Internally Stabilised Liposomes
Internally supported liposomes (ISLs) are composed of polymeric spheres enclosed by liposomes. Although very little research has been done on ISLs, understanding their... -
Neutron reflectivity of self-assembled Janus Nanoparticles
Here we propose to study the Janus character of self-assembled amphiphilic nanoparticles. For that amphiphilic core-shell nanoparticles will be synthesized with a surface... -
Martensite Variants and elastic Constants of Co-Ni-Ga Shape Memory Alloys
Pseudoelastic Co-Ni-Ga high-temperature shape memory alloys are characterized by a wide range of tunable transformation temperatures and lower processing costs compared to... -
Dye...TiO2 Interfacial Structure of Working Electrodes in Dye-Sensitised Sola...
The transparent and low-cost nature of dye-sensitised solar cells (DSCs) affords them niche prospects for electricity-generating windows in buildings for energy-sustainable... -
The chemisorption of hydrogen over a high surface area cobalt catalyst: An IN...
In collaboration with Sasol Technology UK Ltd, the research team have previously used INS to investigate the surface chemistry of synthesis gas (CO + H2) over a series of... -
Programme Access Rosseinsky
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Can the second moment of the Bragg edge be resolved for neutron strain measur...
Currently on IMAT time of flight neutron spectroscopy of a polycrystalline material shows a blurred Bragg edge defining the component of strain in the direction of the neutron.... -
Effect of temperature on the structure of model wax films as studied by neutr...
Cuticular wax films protect plants by mediating water and nutrient transport from the environment. Surfactant is a key ingredient in agrisprays that can promote the uptake of... -
Non invasive characterization of Japanese armour components
Historical metallurgy is one of the most interesting fields of archaeometry. Armours also were usually crafted using high quality materials, and this seems is evident in those... -
Alloxan - a high density organic under pressure
Organic molecular crystal structures have densities that are typically in the range 1.2-1.4 gcm-3 although these can be increased, in general, to ca. 2.0 GPa through application... -
Exploring the interactions between vesicles/viruses and supported lipid bilay...
Many biological processes occur at the interface of cells, at the so called cell membrane, such as internalization of biological nanoparticles, including virions, exosomes and... -
Intergranular stress generation during high temperature creep-fatigue loading
Intergranular stresses, generated during cyclic loading of AISI type 316H stainless steel can significantly affect the creep deformation of this material. However,... -
Structural Studies of 9-methyltriptycenes
We aim at obtaining reliable structural information for selected compounds from a series of four 9-methyltripticene derivatives. These compounds form in the solid state... -
Study of water migration in biscuits for relating microstructure to shelf-lif...
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The effect of H/D isotopic replacement on the topology of the electron densit...
The Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules (QTAIM) is the quantum mechanical way of looking at molecular structures and bonding. Developed by Richard Bader, QTAIM is built on... -
Gels in CO2
The proposal aims to explore different self-assembly structures in CO2 with the focus of developing viscosity modifiers for supercritical CO2 (sc-CO2). This is part of a... -
Initial correlative Imaging of Plant Roots with Fiducial Markers using X-rays...
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Measurement of Reference Cross Sections of Li-ion Battery Materials via Energ...
We would like to measure the reference cross sections of lithium-ion battery (LIB) materials. This is the first step of a project that will serve as a baseline to understand the... -
Investigation of Jahn-Teller assisted polaron collapse beyond the percolation...
Polaron-mediated colossal magneto-resistance (CMR) was predicted decades ago but never been experimentally established unambigously, despite the 'universal' existence of...