The role of the Port of Hamburg for biodiversity: 11008 faunistic records for...
The BMDV network of experts commissioned a comprehensive terrestrial biodiversity assessment of the Hamburg harbor area, enlisting local experts to conduct the surveys. This... -
The role of the Port of Hamburg for biodiversity: 2019-2021 survey data for h...
The BMDV network of experts commissioned a comprehensive terrestrial biodiversity assessment of the Hamburg harbor area, enlisting local experts to conduct the surveys. This... -
Outputs from wave-resolving 2DV Lagrangian simulations of microplastic transp...
As part of the PLASTICBEACH project (EC2CO), an advanced modeling framework combining the SWASH wave model and the TrackMPD Lagrangian transport model was employed. The... -
MOOSE-GE cruises: lowered and ship ADCP data
The MOOSE-GE cruises aim to provide an annual summer snapshot of the North-Western Mediterranean Sea basin, to observe changes in water mass properties, biogeochemical content... -
Dataset of Air Cargo Supply Chain and Fruit quality: case study of mango ship...
It provides a detailed dataset of air/mango temperatures and hygrometry inside a Unit Load Device fully loaded by 148 cartons in which 25 instrumented cartons were located at... -
Getuigen Verhalen, Negen vrouwen ontsnapt uit dodenmars 1945, interview 01
Op 7 maart 1943 gaan de geïnterviewde en haar vriendin en jaargenoot met valse papieren in de trein naar Parijs. De geïnterviewde zal daar haar broer ontmoeten die een centrale... -
Deterministic grayscale nanotopography to engineer mobilities in strained MoS...
Field-effect transistors (FETs) based on two-dimensional materials (2DMs) with atomically thin channels have emerged as a promising platform for beyond-silicon electronics.... -
ATTO and HALO data related to Holanda et al 2020
This collection contains data for paper "Influx of African biomass burning aerosol during the Amazonian dry season through layered transatlantic transport of black carbon-rich... -
Transport coefficients from equilibrium molecular dynamics
The determination of transport coefficients through the time-honoured Green-Kubo theory of linear response and equilibrium molecular dynamics requires significantly longer... -
Report of Lappeenranta city bus cycle: Lappeenranta Route 1
Speed data recorded from a city bus operating the Lappeenranta Route 1 in Lappeenranta, Finland -
Dinoflagellate cyst counts of drifting trap surveys and In-situ pumps collect...
To extend the understanding of dinoflagellate cysts production, excystment and vertical/ lateral transport in the water column, upper water dinoflagellate cyst export production... -
Gridded property and transport data of the biennial Greenland-Portugal A25 OV...
This data set contains the gridded hydrographic and transport data for the biennial Go-Ship A25 Greenland–Portugal OVIDE section from 2002 to 2012. The properties and transports... -
Pan-Latin Intelligent Transportation System Vocabulary
The Pan-Latin Intelligent Transportation System Vocabulary, developed within the Pan-Latin Terminology Network (REALITER), aims to collect the basic terms designating the... -
Vapaa-ajan asuminen Suomessa: väestökysely 2012
Itä-Suomen yliopiston, Suomen ympäristökeskuksen (SYKE) ja Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen toteuttamassa aineistossa kartoitetaan suomalaisten vapaa-ajan asumista vuonna 2012. Kyselyn... -
Anketa o porabi v gospodinjstev 1998-2000
Anketa zajema vprašanja o izdatkih glede na namen porabe (hrana, pijača, obleka, obutev, stanarina ipd), stanovanjskih pogojih, razpoložljivosti trajnejših potrošnih dobrin,... -
Študentska košarica
Raziskava podaja realen vpogled v socialno ekonomski status študenta in njegove družine, odnosov v družini. Poglobljeno se ukvarja s strukturo in vrstami študentskih stroškov in... -
In het licht van de bevrijding, interview 02
'In het licht van de bevrijding' is een achtdelige serie door Charles van den Berg waarin hij praat met acht personen die persoonlijk de Tweede Wereldoorlog hebben meegemaakt.... -
Getuigen Verhalen, Geallieerde Bombardementen in Amsterdam Noord op de Fokker...
De heer De Jong is zestien jaar bij het begin van de oorlog. Zijn vader is schipper. Moeder is huisvrouw met een sociale rol in een buurt vol armoede en werkeloosheid. De Jong... -
Guidelines for accurate and efficient calculations of mobilities in two-dimen...
Emerging two-dimensional (2D) materials bring unprecedented opportunities for electronic applications. The design of high-performance devices requires an accurate prediction of... -
Erfgoed van de Oorlog, Bystander Memories, interview 03
De geïnterviewde heeft een transport met joden langs zien rijden en werkte gedurende de bezetting bij de Nederlandse Spoorwegen. Bystander Memories bevat in totaal 59...