Un-split geometrical VoF review: secondary data
Data used for tables and diagrams in a review of un-split geometrical VoF methods. -
Experimental and Numerical Study of Microcavity Filling Regimes for Lab-on-a-...
This dataset contains all experimental and numerical data as well as postprocessing scripts necessary to reproduce the results in the publication "Experimental and Numerical... -
Contact Line Advection using the geometrical Volume-of-Fluid Method: Data and...
This repository provides the implementations of the numerical methods for Volume-of-Fluid interface reconstruction close to a boundary developed in the article Mathis Fricke,... -
Iterative Volume-of-Fluid interface positioning in general polyhedrons with C...
A Singularty container of the straightforward and computationally efficient Consecutive Cubic Spline (CCS) iterative algorithm for positioning the planar interface of the... -
Iterative Volume-of-Fluid interface positioning in general polyhedrons with C...
Data and results of the straightforward and computationally efficient Consecutive Cubic Spline (CCS) iterative algorithm for positioning the planar interface of the unstructured... -
A benchmark for surface-tension-driven incompressible two-phase flows - bench...
Input data, parameter study definitions, Jupyter notebooks for benchmark evaluation, and output data from "A benchmark for surface-tension-driven incompressible two-phase flows" -
VoF review data
Tables and data from a review paper on un-split geometrical Volume-of-Fluid methods on unstructured meshes. -
Iterative Volume-of-Fluid interface positioning in general polyhedrons with C...
Results accompanying the publication "Iterative Volume-of-Fluid interface positioning in general polyhedrons with Consecutive Cubic Spline interpolation", revision... -
geophase: Consecutive Cubic Spline positioning results
Tabular data, diagrams and processing script for the Newton Cubic Spline and Consecutive Cubic Spline iterative positioning algorithms used for the Volume-of-Fluid PLIC in... -
Computing volume fractions and signed distances from arbitrary surfaces on un...
Convergence and CPU time diagrams and tabular data for the sphere and ellipsoid verification case. -
Iterative Volume-of-Fluid interface positioning in general polyhedrons with C...
Snapshot of the source code for the publication "Iterative Volume-of-Fluid interface positioning in general polyhedrons with Consecutive Cubic Spline interpolation", revision... -
A singularity image of the geophase project used to generate results in "Iterative Volume-of-Fluid interface positioning in general polyhedrons with Consecutive Cubic Spline...