Probe spin excitations in heavily overdoped BaFe2-xNixAs2
Spin excitations is correlated with superconductivity in high Tc superconductors. The spin excitations in La2-xSrxCuO4 superconductors become weaker in overdoped region and... -
High Temperature study of BaFe2As2
Recent unpublished data collected at MAPS by our group revealed that the spin wave dispersion of the Ba(122) parent differ significantly from Ca(122). In Ba(122) there is a... -
Spin wave in Nd2CuO4-- Determination of the magnetic exchange couplings of th...
Since the discovery of high transition temperature (high Tc) copper oxide, many efforts have been made on the understanding of its electronic and magnetic properties. Although... -
Hourglass dispersion in overdoped manganites
Overdoped manganites were recently shown to exhibit stripe-like ordering of charges orbitals and magnetic moments. The magnetic excitations in these materials show close...