All ages in Ma and calibrated to GTS04 [Gradstein et al., 2004]. All depths in mbsf. D: diatoms, R: radiolarians, CN: calcareous nannofossils, PL: dinocysts, F: foraminifers, PM: paleomagnetic tie point. FO: first occurrence, LO: last occurrence, FCO : first common occurrence, FAO: first abundant occurrence, y = young, o = old. The median age of the Average Range Model of Cody et al. [2008] is assigned for Neogene diatom events. Radiolarians: For sediments younger than 23 Ma, the radiolarian zonation scheme and zonal boundary datums follow that by Abelmann [1992] and Lazarus [1992]. Planktonic foraminifer zonation and classification follows Berggren [1992a, b]; Berggren et al. [1995], with supplemental ages based on Li et al. [2003]. Age range for dinocysts from Williams et al. [2004], **sp. A sensu Brinkhuis et al. [2003]. All ages were adjusted to the time scale. of Gradstein et al. [2004]. s.l.= sensu lato. For FO listings, the depths of the top of both the upper and lower sample are given. For LO listings, the depths of the base of both the upper and lower sample are given.