Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
This is a follow-up to an earlier (1969) survey, which is not held at the Archive. The purpose of this study was to obtain journey to work and residential location information from individual office workers with a view to exploring four hypotheses: 1. that office workers employed in decentralized offices at the time of the earlier survey have retained broadly similar journey to work and residential location patterns; 2. that replacement staff and new recruits have not changed to any significant degree the journey to work and residential location patters of decentralized office workers; 3. that the detailed location characteristics of the 1969 and 1975 sample offices, particularly with respect to accessibility of public transport, affects the balance between public and private transport trips for the journey to work to decentralized offices; 4. that decentralization had added to pressure with the housing market of the receiving location. The participants were (a) employees in decentralized offices which had participated in an earlier study in 1969 and (b) employees in decentralized offices in Watford, Swindon, Liverpool, Reading and Southampton (some of the establishments participating for the first time).
Main Topics:
Variables Residential location and change, occupation before and after joining decentralized office, travel mode (stage by stage) before and after relocation, car/van sharing for the journey to work, car/van availability, location of previous place of employment, age, sex, marital status, full or part-time employment.
No sampling (total universe)
Postal survey