Daily hydrological simulation - Towards hybrid modeling of the global hydrological cycle


Code & simulations for "Kraft et al. (2021), Towards hybrid modeling of the global hydrological cycle. HESS". Note that some variables were omitted due to redundancy, instructions to recover can be found in the dataset attributes.

DOI https://doi.org/10.17617/3.65
Metadata Access https://edmond.mpg.de/api/datasets/export?exporter=dataverse_json&persistentId=doi:10.17617/3.65
Creator Kraft, Basil; Koirala, Sujan; Reichstein, Markus; Jung, Martin; Körner, Marco
Publisher Edmond
Publication Year 2021
OpenAccess true
Contact bkraft(at)bgc-jena.mpg.de
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Version 1
Discipline Other