Together with foraminifers and ostracods, echinoderm remains are very frequent in Eemian sediments of the Dagebuell Well DA-1. The appearance of holothurian sclerites is particularly noteworthy. In the present study, remains of Holothuroidea from the European Pleistocene are described. These remains could be assigned to the Recent genus Psolus OKEN 1815. Furthermore, a short synopsis of disarticulate holothurian fossils in Holocene and Pleistocene sediments is given.
Abundances as follows: x = present, R = rare (1-10 individuals), F = few (10-100 ind.), C = common (100-1000 ind.), A = abundant (>1000 ind.), ? = questionable, - = not found.
Supplement to: Reich, Mike (1997): Holothurienreste (Echinodermata) aus dem Eemium der Kernbohrung DA-1 bei Dagebüll (Pleistozän, NW-Deutschland). Meyniana, 49, 139-149