Breaking and making the ancestors. Piecing together the urnfield mortuary process in the Lower-Rhine-Basin, ca. 1300 - 400 BC

This dataset is part of the PhD project by Arjan Louwen (Leiden University) called 'Breaking and making the ancestors. Making sense of the inconspicuous 99% of urnfield graves' The research was funded by NWO and the dissertation was succesfully defended at Leiden University on 17 June 2021; 15:00hrs.

The research is about the funerary practices associated with urnfields in the Lower-Rhine-Basin. The dataset comprises a selection of 75 well excavated urnfield sites throughout the Netherlands that together produced more than 3,000 graves. Among other things a list of all sites in the Netherlands that produced graves dating to the period of the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age (1100-500 BC) complete with references was created. The more than 3000 graves that formed the basis for the research have all been meticulously described and entered in a database. The dataset deposited here consists of:

  • Urnfield graves database - Inventory of sites - Maps of the case study areas - Reference list of all sites that produced Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age graves
Metadata Access
Creator Louwen, ARJAN
Publisher Sidestone Press Leiden
Contributor Louwen, ARJAN; Dr. Arjan Louwen (Leiden University)
Publication Year 2021
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; License:;
OpenAccess true
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/pdf; .accdb; .xlsx; .csv
Discipline Ancient Cultures; Archaeology; Humanities