The data includes sol-averaged pressure for MSL, InSight and MCD predictions ("fig1_left_panel_data.csv"). Also diurnal range of pressure for both platforms ("fig1_right_panel_data.csv") and MSL elevation change over the time period is included ("fig1_bottom_panel_data.csv"). Diurnal pressure cycles from figure 2 can be found from "fig2_InSight_data.csv" and "fig2_MSL_data.csv". Diurnal and semi-diurnal tidal components from observations and MCD as well as Mastcam and MCD optical depths are also included ("fig3_InSight_tides.csv", "fig3_MSL_tides.csv" and "fig3_optical_depth.csv"). Pressure cycles shown in figure 4 can be found from "fig4_cycles.csv".