Indigenous and colonial pottery in Santa Fe la Vieja (Argentina)


This dataset contains 119 individuals, including European and colonial ceramics and indigenous ones. European ceramics include transport jars (ARG011 to 022, 110, 112 to 114, 119, 120, 122), coarse ware (ARG109, 111, 115 to 118, 121), glazed coarse ware (ARG023 to 028), majolica (ARG029 to 108). In contrast, the indigenous ones include Hispano-indigenous ceramics (ARG123 to 127), indigenous Guaraní (ARG128-132) and indigenous Goya Malabrigo (ARG133 to 135). All these ceramics were unearthed at Santa Fe la Vieja (Argentina). This town was founded on November 15th 1573, by Juan de Garay, and it lasted until 1660 when it was transferred to the new place where Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz was founded.

Metadata Access
Creator Buxeda i Garrigós, Jaume ORCID logo; Thompson, Helen ORCID logo; Day, Peter Martin ORCID logo; Cocco, Gabriel ORCID logo
Publisher CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca
Contributor Buxeda Garrigós, Jaume; Universitat de Barcelona
Publication Year 2024
Rights CC BY-SA 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/embargoedAcces;
OpenAccess true
Contact Buxeda Garrigós, Jaume (Universitat de Barcelona)
Resource Type Experimental data; Dataset
Format application/pdf; text/csv; text/plain; text/x-fixed-field; application/octet-stream
Size 206497; 15790; 25548; 51212; 18749; 51070; 18607; 51209; 18746; 51138; 18675; 50995; 18532; 51026; 18563; 51177; 18714; 51123; 18660; 51058; 18595; 50886; 18423; 51204; 18741; 50568; 18105; 51116; 18653; 51224; 18761; 51099; 18636; 51225; 18762; 51182; 18719; 49973; 17510; 50217; 17754; 50229; 17766; 50436; 17973; 50347; 17884; 50343; 17880; 50437; 17974; 50490; 18027; 50401; 17938; 50508; 18045; 50339; 17876; 50389; 17926; 50501; 18038; 50200; 17737; 50792; 18329; 50397; 17934; 50587; 18124; 50535; 18072; 50369; 17906; 50052; 17589; 51210; 18747; 50713; 18250; 51083; 18620; 50393; 17930; 50386; 17923; 50388; 17925; 50399; 17936; 50183; 17720; 49993; 17530; 50244; 17781; 50510; 18047; 50151; 17688; 50041; 17578; 50361; 17898; 50163; 17700; 50265; 17802; 50102; 17639; 50156; 17693; 50328; 17865; 50205; 17742; 50125; 17662; 50166; 17703; 50171; 17708; 50169; 17706; 50072; 17609; 49970; 17507; 50155; 17692; 49891; 17428; 50113; 17650; 49964; 17501; 50293; 17830; 50096; 17633; 50193; 17730; 50118; 17655; 50097; 17634; 50121; 17658; 50360; 17897; 50260; 17797; 50472; 18009; 50216; 17753; 50131; 17668; 50238; 17775; 50506; 18043; 50177; 17714; 49941; 17478; 50071; 17608; 50358; 17895; 50022; 17559; 50123; 17660; 50159; 17696; 50418; 17955; 50010; 17547; 51132; 18669; 51183; 18720; 51137; 18674; 51219; 18756; 51211; 18748; 51020; 18557; 51036; 18573; 51127; 18664; 50818; 18355; 51105; 18642; 51156; 18693; 51194; 18731; 51136; 18673; 50931; 18468; 50889; 18426; 51184; 18721; 51191; 18728; 51110; 18647; 51178; 18715; 51222; 18759; 51079; 18616; 51213; 18750
Version 1.0
Discipline Humanities