Data from Smoke Particle Impact Detector (SPID) rocket instrument


It contains data from the smoke particle impact detector (SPID). SPID is a Faraday cup impact probe designed to measure nanometer-sized smoke particles, called meteoric smoke particles, in the mesosphere. These are remnants of meteors ablating in the atmosphere. The instrument was part of the G-chaser campaign launched from Andøya rocket range on the 13th of January 2019. The instrument consists of 5 girds, the two top and bottom grids with high bias voltages to shield ions and electrons. The middle plate (5th grid) is meant to measure only the smoke particles. The measurement consists of the current measured in the five grids given in ampere.

Metadata Access
Creator Henriette Trollvik ORCID logo; Tinna Gunnarsdottir (ORCID: 0000-0002-0965-564X)
Publisher DataverseNO
Contributor Henriette Trollvik; Ingrid Mann; UiT The Arctic University of Norway; Åshild Fredriksen; Tinna Gunnarsdottir; Tarjei Antonsen; Markus Floer; Ove Havnes; Yngve Eilertsen; Sveinung Olsen; Rikke Hedelund Hansen; Arne Bjørk; James Alexander Cowie; Vetle Tronstad; Erlend Restad; Christer Nordby; Christoffer Boothby
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference NFR 275503
Rights CC0 1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Henriette Trollvik (UiT The Arctic University of Norway); Ingrid Mann (UiT The Arctic University of Norway)
Resource Type Rocket instrument data; Dataset
Format text/plain; application/octet-stream; application/pdf; application/matlab-mat
Size 3036; 63087; 796741; 12822393; 59681382
Version 1.0
Discipline Natural Sciences; Physics