NIPO weekpeilingen 1995

Data derived from weekly public opinion polls in the Netherlands in 1995 concerning social and political issues. Samples were drawn from the Dutch population aged 18 years and older.

All data from the surveys held between 1962 and 2000 are available in the DANS data collections.

Background variables: Sex / age / religion / income / vote recall latest elections / party preference / if stated not knowing what party to vote for at next elections: what party will have most chances that respondent will vote for? / level of education / union membership / professional status / left‐right rating / party alignment / province / degree of urbanization / weight factor.

Topical variables: n9503: Welfare in the Netherlands / Welfare in family / Health / Worrying / Experiencing work - profession as a pleasure / Married or living together / Satisfaction about relation with partner / Feeling happy. n9504: Netherlands should stay Kingdom or become Republic / Will Willem-Alexander, oldest son of Queen Beatrix be a successor in due time / Having enough space in the house, at home / Having a garden near the house / Having one or more cars / Easy to park car at home at night / Having a garage for the car or a car-port / Is there still a housing shortage in our country / Personally experiencing difficulties because of housing shortage. n9508: Amount of spare time and way of spending free time / What days in general having off from work / Things one does in summer: beach or dunes, woods, on water by boat, fishing, visiting town, recreational events or swimming pool, caravanning or camping, visiting relative friends, going to sport as a spectator, doing sport oneself / Means of transport used: car, motorcycle, bicycle, train or bus or tram, on foot / Doing other things in spare time like: repairing, gardening, studying, finishing things from work / Attributes available for spare time activities: checkerboard, chess, scrabble, game-computer, tent, rowing boat or canoe, sail boat, caravan, tennis racket, fishing rod, skies, surfboard, water skis, swimsuit, golf clubs, lawnmower, sauna / Self able to: chess, playing checkers, bridge, klaberjass, tennis, skiing, surfing, skating, swimming, sailing, horse riding, car-driving / Having done in spare time last year: movie theatre, theatrical performance, opera, classical concert, pop concert, soccer game, bicycle race, other sport in stadium or on a sports field, museum, gallery, fashion show, conference or party meeting, demonstration / Sunbathing these days in the nude or topless / Ever been to a nude beach / Would want to visit a nude beach some time. n9509: Describing colour of ones' own hair / Collar of ones' own eyes / Knowing ones' own length, weight / Feeling oneself to be too heavy or too light / Doing something about being too heavy or too light / Left or right-handed. n9511: Is there race discrimination in the Netherlands / Is race discrimination understandable / Finding yourself sometimes to discriminate / Population is growing also through entrance of immigrants / All right or bad? / Restrictions needed to for number of immigrants entering our country / Most immigrants integrate well / Immigrants need to integrate or can keep own culture / What about foreigners entering without right papers / Let them stay or sending them back / Satisfied with income / Making ends meet with income / Thoughts about tax evasion / Would be able to evade tax. n9512: Names of a number of people of whom to say they should be in charge in governing our country: Van Mierlo, Kok, Bolkestein, Heerma, Wolffensperger, Wallage, Terpstra, Lubbers, Rottenberg, Wiegel, Maij-Weggen / List of characteristics applicable to above mentioned persons: skilled, clumsy, slimy, real leader, untrustworthy, clear, sympathetic, hard, reliable, cunning, hard to understand, wise, unskilled, heartily-warm, unclear, knows peoples' desires. n9528: Every political party in parliament has a party leader "fractievoorzitter". We like to know the names of the leaders in Parliament of the four greater political parties: who are the leaders of PvdA, D66, CDA, VVD In calling the names of some party leaders in Parliament of the four greater parties (Wallage, Wolffensperger, Heerma, Bolkestein) have you heard or read about statements of one of them. And do you agree with the statements each of these four party leaders. n9529: Every political party in parliament has a party leader "fractievoorzitter". We like to know the names of the leaders in Parliament of the four greater political parties: who are the leaders of PvdA, D66, CDA, VVD. In calling the names of some party leaders in Parliament of the four greater parties (Wallage, Wolffensperger, Heerma, Bolkestein) have you heard or read about statements of one of them. And do you agree with the statements each of these four party leaders. n9546: In Dutch politics people speak of three main political philosophies: Christian, Socialist, Liberal. What political party belongs to which of those three political mainstreams. The parties: Partij vd Arbeid (PvdA) / Democraten '66 (D66) / Christen Democratische Alliantie (CDA) / Liberal Party (VVD) / With which political mainstream respondent feels most affiliated. Perhaps respondent has also some affiliation with the other political mainstreams / Which? What about recent plans for developing a new political movement in which PvdA, Groen Links might join.

Metadata Access
Creator Netherlands Institute for Public Opinion and Marketing Research - NIPO
Publisher Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Publication Year 2014
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; DANS License;
OpenAccess true
Language Dutch; Flemish
Resource Type Dataset
Format SPSS; PDF
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Life Sciences; Social Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences; Soil Sciences
Spatial Coverage Nederland; Netherlands