The dataset contains daily nc-files of the Cloudnet ice particles effective radius during Polarstern cruise PS106 based on:- 35.5 GHz Cloud radar MIRA.The data is retrieved using the instrument synergystic approach Cloudnet (Illingworth, 2007 doi:10.1175/BAMS-88-6-883 ).This variable was calculated from visible extinction coefficient and ice water content using the following analytical formula:r_eff[\mum] = 3IWC[g cm-3] / (2 rho_i \alpha[m-1]) 10*6with rho_i=0.917g cm-3 the desity of solid ice.This retrieval is based on an analytical relationship between IWC and \alpha. However both parameters have been retrieved following Hogan 2006 (doi:10.1175/JAM2340.1 ) by using two different empirical formulas based on the same measured quantity, the 35.5-GHz radar reflectivity factor.
This is an updated version of this data set: