The proper management of research data is imperative to ensure that scientific findings are findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR). The national and international research organizations support the long-term safeguarding of and the open access to research data from publicly funded research, as laid down in the "Berlin Declaration on Open Access” of 2003 and the “Guidelines on Data Management in Horizon 2020”. The Alliance of German Science Organizations, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Helmholtz Association took up this idea in their guide- lines for the handling of research data. The HZDR approves the principle of open access to research data. The HZDR supports its guests in the fulfillment of the requirements of funders and of the scientific community. To this end, it pro- vides the necessary infrastructure for data management and regulates the access to research data by these terms and conditions. Open access to research data should be ensured wherever possible taking the pathway of the citable data publication.
HZDR-Regulation No. B 220