Sediment pore water nutrient chemistry on surface sediments from the South Pacific Gyre. Pore waters were obtained by Rhizone sampling of sub-cores from box-cores retrieved during Expedition SO245. Nutrient were determined after three-fold dilution onboard on a QuAAtro39 autoanalyser (Seal Analytical) using the method based on Strickland and Parsons, 1972.
Supplement to: Ferdelman, Timothy G (2016): RV SONNE SO245 Cruise Report / Fahrtbericht, Antofagasta, Chile: 17. December 2015, Wellington, New Zealand: 28. January 2016, SO245 - UltraPac: Process oriented biogeochemical, microbiological and ecological investigations of the ultraoligotrophic South Pacific Gyre. Max-Planck-Institut für marine Mikrobiologie, Bremen, 104 pp