Ocean bottom pressure (OBP) variability serves as a proxy of ocean mass variability, the knowledge of which is needed in geophysical applications. We present a new multi-year data set, obtained with an array of bottom pressure gauges deployed deeply along a transect across the Southern Ocean. We present a description of OBP data and show large scale correlations over several thousand kilometres at all time scales using daily and monthly averaged data. Annual and semi-annual cycles are weak. Close to the Agulhas Retroflection, signals of up to 30 cm equivalent water height (EWH) are detected. Further south, signals are mostly intermittent and noisy.station identifier ANT03_3longitude 12.7538latitude -37.0973depth 4909 mtimespan 2011 to 2014unit for time is Julian day after 31.12.2009unit for bottom pressure anomaly is dbarAll data detided, dedrifted and low-passed filtered with 4th order Butterworth 3-day, sampling interval 12hours, data gaps less the 1 day interpolated prior to filtering.Subsequently, data are band pass filtered with two-way 4th order Butterworth for periods::OBP3minus shorter than 3 daysOBP3to10 between 3 days and 10 daysOBP10to30 between 10 and 30 daysOPB30plus periods longer than 30 daysContact: olaf.boebel@awi.de, jens.schroeter@awi.de