Plots of closure delay, closure phase, and closure amplitude are provided for the geodetic very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations of the Continuous VLBI Campaign 2014 (CONT14) experiment of the International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry (IVS, , see for a description of CONT14, and see for a list of IVS data centers from which the CONT14 data can be downloaded) as calculated by Anderson and Xu for their article titled Source Structure and Measurement Noise Are as Important as All Other Residual Sources in Geodetic VLBI Combined, submitted to the Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth in 2018.
Closure quantities are insensitive to station-based calibration terms, such as station clock errors, atmospheric delay errors, phase offsets, station position errors, amplitude calibration errors, and so on, and as a result are sensitive only to source structure (the two-dimensional brightness distribution of source emission on the sky, which is typically time and frequency dependent), measurement noise, and closure errors such as bandpass mismatch and polarization leakage. We used closure quantities derived from the CONT14 data to investigate the amount of source structure present in the celestial sources observed in the CONT14 experiment.
Three data files are included:(1) closure_delay_Anderson_Xu_JGR_2018.tar.gz(2) closure_phase_Anderson_Xu_JGR_2018.tar.gz(3) closure_amplitude_Anderson_Xu_JGR_2018.tar.gz
The file with the name starting with "closure_delay" contains closure delay plots, the file with the name starting with "closure_phase" contains closure phase plots, and so on. These three files are collections of files made by the UNIX tar program that have been compressed with the gzip program.