This is a data set related to a bedload tracer field study in an alpine section of the Drava River between 11 May 2017 and 11 June 2018. A time series of bed shear stress is provided for the seeding site of the tracers in the time span of the entire tracer study. The shear stress was calculated from water depths that were modelled with a one-dimensional hydrodynamic-numerical model and based on a channel slope obtained from the analysis of cross-sections. The shear stress can also be calculated for cross-sections downstream of the seeding location by using the functions available in the corresponding publication.
Water depths were modelled with one-dimensional HEC-RAS (US Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center). A water depth midway between the mean and maximum water depths was calculated aiming to better simulate conditions for bedload (following Ferguson and Wathen, 1998). A power function with coefficient and exponent depending on the streamwise distance (see related publication) was then used to convert the discharge time series into a time series of bedload-related water depth at the seeding location. The shear stress was calculated via ρgDS. The underlying discharge time series was obtained from the gauging station at Dellach from the Hydrographic Service Carinthia.