Property map collective variable as a useful tool for force field correction

Molecular mechanics potentials for small molecules suffer inaccuracies. To apply corrections we used a concept called property map to calculate corrections. It was calculated as a sum of [correction_i exp(-lambda D(x, x_i))] divided by the sum of [exp(-lambda D(x, x_i))], where correction_i is the difference between the accurate and inaccurate potential for i-th landmark structure x_i, lambda is a chosen prefactor, D is a distance (e.g. RMSD or MSD) and x are atomic coordinates. The concept was tested on alanine dipeptide (all combinations of 7 force fields, one used as a model of accurate and one as inaccurate). Next it was applied on an anticancer drug Imatinib (General AMBER Force Field corrected to DFT). Simulations were carried out in Gromacs 2016.4. Correction was Implemented using Plumed 2.4. DFT energies were calculated by ORCA 4.0 at the BP86/def2-TZVP level of theory.

Metadata Access
Creator Trapl, Dalibor; Krupička, Martin; Višňovský, Vladimir; Hozzová, Jana; Oľha, Jaroslav; Křenek, Aleš; Spiwok, Vojtěch
Publisher Materials Cloud
Publication Year 2021
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
OpenAccess true
Contact archive(at)
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Materials Science and Engineering