In December a study on holiday trips of the Austrian population is conducted in the course of the Mikrozensus, similar to the one in the years 1969 (Mikrozensus MZ6904), 1972 ( Mikrozensus MZ7203 ) and 1975 ( Mikrozensus MZ7504). This survey records the main holidays but it should also give information on stays at health resorts. Tourism is gaining in importance for the whole national economy (due to higher income, the increase in motorisation, etc.). Therefore, information on the holiday habits of the population has become very important. The ongoing tourism statistic gives information on overnight stays, number of beds, etc. in the different regions and types of enterprises but not on the travelling habits of the different population strata. This survey should provide results comparable with the previous survey as well as with the household survey of other European countries.
Probability: Stratified: Disproportional
Face-to-face interview