Artificial matrices such as inorganic porous media are often employed to mimic a living cell. Unlike the in vivo environment inside acell, artificial matrices can be suitably constructed to impart beneficial physical properties to confined biological molecules such asproteins. The vivid manifestation of biological molecules confined inside inorganic hosts can be observed in the fields of sensing,catalysis, sustained delivery. We have recently shown enhanced electrochemical response and structural stability of heme proteinsconfined inside various organic and inorganic hosts compared to the proteins in solution. The observed changes were attributed tothe differences in protein configurations between unconfined and confined proteins. The protein configurations and dynamics areoften correlated to the solvation dynamics. We would like to investigate the unconfined and confined protein dynamics using elasticand quasielastic neutron scattering using IN13 and IN5. Neutron scattering is the only effective characterizing tool to study the effectof the solvation on the protein dynamics.