[Āvaśyaka]c.1: Various notes, including a table mentioning the different layers of commentaries (nijjutti, bhāshya, cūrṇi, ṭīkā, vṛtti) for Āvassaya, Dasaveyāliya, Uttarajjhayaṇa, Āyāra, Sūyagada, Dasāo, Kappa, Vavahāra, Sūriyapannatti. - 1 p. "Der canonische Studiengang". - c.2: notes on the "tale of the monkey and the weaver-bird" (partly used by N. Balbir: JAOS 105,1 (1985) 119-134); and on Āvaśy.kath. II 60,2Katalognummer: 521Medium/Umfang: 2 cc.; unbound leavesPublikationshinweis: "Zu Āv.Kath. II 60,2" ed. in: Balbir, N.: Récits Jaina: "Die Āvaśyaka-Erzählungen". Vol. 1: Introduction générale et traduction (forthcoming)Projektmetadaten:20 : [Āvaśyaka]
77 : 2 cc.; unbound leaves
90 : 521
93 : c.1: Various notes, including a table mentioning the different layers of commentaries (nijjutti, bhāshya, cūrṇi, ṭīkā, vṛtti) for Āvassaya, Dasaveyāliya, Uttarajjhayaṇa, Āyāra, Sūyagada, Dasāo, Kappa, Vavahāra, Sūriyapannatti. - 1 p. "Der canonische Studiengang". - c.2: notes on the "tale of the monkey and the weaver-bird" (partly used by N. Balbir: JAOS 105,1 (1985) 119-134); and on Āvaśy.kath. II 60,2
96 : "Zu Āv.Kath. II 60,2" ed. in: Balbir, N.: Récits Jaina: "Die Āvaśyaka-Erzählungen". Vol. 1: Introduction générale et traduction (forthcoming)
Reference: Plutat, Birte: Catalogue of the papers of Ernst Leumann in the Institute for the Culture and History of India and Tibet, University of Hamburg. Stuttgart: Steiner, 1998. Copybook 521, p. resp fol. [No of page of leaf]
The remains belong to "Universität Hamburg - Asien-Afrika-Institut - Abteilung für Kultur und Geschichte Indiens und Tibets".