Data for: A Comparative Study of Visualizations for Multiple Time Series


Study data of comparative study of visualizations for multiple time series including anonymized participant data from Prolific, data set generation scripts, source code for the study framework, and analysis scripts. This repository also serves as supplemental material for the publication titled "A Comparative Study of Visualizations for Multiple Time Series", presented at IVAPP 2022.

The goal of the study was to get insight about how well three visualization techniques for multiple time series (line charts, stream graphs, and aligned area charts) can be understood to solve three basic tasks: Deciding which time series has the highest value at a time, deciding which time series has the highest value over all time steps (area under the graph), and deciding at which of two time points the sum of all time series is the largest. The study was performed online on the Prolific platform with 51 participants. Each participant was shown at least 108 stimuli. Measured data for each participant is mainly which stimuli they gave the correct answer to, and how long they took. For more information about the data, please consult the paper and the README.txt.

Python, 3.9.7

numpy, 1.21.1

R, 4.1.1

Related Identifier IsCitedBy
Metadata Access
Creator Franke, Max ORCID logo; Knabben, Moritz; Lang, Julian; Koch, Steffen ORCID logo; Blascheck, Tanja ORCID logo
Publisher DaRUS
Contributor Blascheck, Tanja
Publication Year 2021
Funding Reference VolkswagenFoundation ; DFG ER 272/14-1
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact Blascheck, Tanja (Universität Stuttgart)
Resource Type experiment; Dataset
Format application/javascript; text/tab-separated-values; type/x-r-syntax; text/x-python; text/css; application/json; text/html; image/png; text/plain
Size 6447; 49; 384; 413; 389; 394; 407; 395; 392; 398; 396; 416; 412; 383; 400; 397; 380; 406; 404; 393; 379; 391; 405; 401; 367; 376; 410; 403; 388; 399; 402; 385; 390; 6552; 640; 656; 630; 632; 631; 625; 633; 639; 645; 616; 660; 624; 614; 637; 627; 643; 617; 621; 649; 610; 648; 620; 641; 635; 663; 646; 652; 650; 623; 629; 634; 651; 642; 622; 669; 615; 644; 653; 628; 613; 647; 3859; 3927; 3897; 4511; 38; 211; 4221; 221; 2310; 306; 17824; 17830; 17831; 17978; 17825; 17834; 17839; 17846; 17847; 17813; 17851; 17844; 17845; 17866; 17867; 17832; 17827; 17858; 17908; 17833; 17876; 17822; 17859; 17887; 17984; 17842; 17823; 17891; 17853; 18185; 17889; 17836; 17898; 17865; 17838; 17807; 17818; 17837; 18675; 109188; 406332; 708366; 2991; 49257; 8459; 23; 2996; 5450; 44; 10283; 21309; 23194; 6
Version 1.1
Discipline Other