NIPO weekpeilingen 1994

Data derived from weekly public opinion polls in the Netherlands in 1994 concerning social and political issues. Samples were drawn from the Dutch population aged 18 years and older.

All data from the surveys held between 1962 and 2000 are available in the DANS data collections.

Background variables: Sex / age / religion / income / vote recall latest elections / party preference / level of education / union membership / professional status / left-right rating / party alignment / province / degree of urbanization / weight factor.
New 'background' variable has been introduced from week 27 on: 'If stated not knowing what party to vote for at next elections: What party will have most chances that respondent will vote for?'

Topical variables: n9405: Likely to vote for next municipal elections / Party preference influenced by local or national politics / Placing several political parties on left-right scale / Placing political parties within three mainstreams: Christian, socialist, liberal / Respondent interested in local politics / Probability of voting at next municipal elections / Probability of voting two months later at parliamentary elections / Willing to pay 25 cents or money in general for voting paper / Who for prim-minister after general elections / What parties in next government / Respondent interested in politics of home-town / Mainly interested in local or national politics / Satisfied about local government / Decisions of local government influence on daily life / Local council representatives don't care about peoples opinions / Assessment of influence on local politics. n9406: Placing several political parties on left-right scale / Placing political parties within three mainstreams: Christian, socialist, liberal / Respondent interested in local politics / Probability of voting at next municipal elections / Probability of voting two months later at parliamentary elections / Willing to pay 25 cents or money in general for voting paper / Who for prim-minister after general elections / What parties in next government. n9410: Took knowledge of political party programs / Fair knowledge of political program of different specified parties / Agree with statements: members of parliament not interested in my opinion / Parties only interested in my vote not my opinion / Only elections are general elections / General public does have influence on politics / Parliamentary elections only important elections / Respondent's own vote doesn't matter at elections / Almost no differences between parties in parliament / Minimum wage should be decreased / Minimum wage should be abolished / Social security allowances should be reduced / Old age pension change with change in cost of living / Personally be affected by change in minimum wage, social security allowances or old age pension / Behaviour of Janmaat of influence for number of people voting for Centrum-Democrats. n9412: Voted at local elections / Seen or heard about the results of the elections / Satisfied with outcome of local elections / If outcome of elections known, would have voted differently / Will vote at general elections / Party vote at general elections / CDA and PvdA will gain more votes at general elections than at latest local elections / Party preference by asking for more or less seats in Parliament / Assessment of decisions by government bodies / Personally incorrect treated by government bodies. n9413: Took knowledge of political party programs / Fair knowledge of programs of several political parties / What party best program for: economy, environment, those who live on social security benefits, Dutch trade and industry, crime prevention, unemployment program. n9414: More jobs or reduction of unemployment through reducing or abolishing law on minimum wages / Opinion on possible decision of government to reduce minimum wages or abolish minimum wages / Own income be affected by abolishing minimum wages / Considering affect on other social security benefits opinion on abolishing minimum wages / Own income be affected if one or more social security benefits would be reduced. n9415: Who to decide how Netherlands should be governed / Yet another list: who to decide how Netherlands should be governed / Kind of qualities of above mentioned persons / Relation own income to income freeze / Income freeze necessary in near future. n9419: Watched TV 3rd May 1994 / Election results a disappointment? / What parties won or lost the elections / What parties should be in next government / Who for prime-minister / Who definitely not for prime-minister / Expectations of new members of Parliament and possible new government / Respondent voted self or by proxy or did not vote at all. n9421: Respondent belongs to one of three political mainstreams / Who to decide how Netherlands should be governed / Kind of qualities of Brinkman, van Mierlo, Kok, Bolkestein, Lubbers, Wallage, Wiegel. n9422: Will vote on 9th June, the European Elections for European Parliament / Vote for particular party at European elections. n9434: List of persons of whom to be said: should decide how to govern our country . Assigning human characteristics i.e. kind of qualities to Brinkman, Van Mierlo, Kok, Bolkestein, Lubbers, Wallage, Wiegel. New government wants to follow retrenchment policy / Severe cut-backs in many areas. Are cut-backs in expenditure necessary? Expect to suffer greatly as a result from retrenchment. n9446: Left-right scaling of political parties: PvdA, CDA, VVD, D66 / Division of Dutch politics in three mainstreams: Christian, Socialist, en Liberal / To what political mainstream belongs: CDA, PvdA, D66, VVD, respondent himself or herself / Respondent self a loyal and active church member or 'just belong to it' / Ever visited a church service or Holy Mass / When was latest visit to church service or Holy Mass / Belief in: existence of God / Heaven / Hell. n9447: Left-right scaling of political parties: PvdA, CDA, VVD, D66 / Division of Dutch politics in three mainstreams: Christian, Socialist, en Liberal / To what political mainstream belongs: CDA, PvdA, D66, VVD, respondent himself or herself / Respondent self a loyal and active church member or 'just belong to it' / Ever visited a church service or Holy Mass / When was latest visit to church service or Holy Mass / Belief in: existence of God / Heaven / Hell. n9448: Passing laws needs majority approval by Parliament / Only Tweede Kamer (House of Commons) majority needed or also majority of Eerste Kamer (House of Lords) / Knowing how members of Eerste Kamer being elected / In march next year (1995) elections / For what representative body are these elections / What party vote at elections for Provinciale Staten (Provincial elections) march 1995 / Problems in own 'Provincie' interested in that need to be solved urgently / Considering problems in own 'Provincie' what party respondent might vote in March 1995 at provincial elections / Would like particular persons in Eerste Kamer / Mentioned persons respondents liked to heave a seat in Eerste Kamer: Van Aardenne, Ria Beckers, Braks, Brinkman, Marcel v. Dam, Glastra v. Loon, Korthals Altes, vd. Louw, Lubbers, Steenkamp, v. Thijn, de Vries, Wiegel.

Metadata Access
Creator Netherlands Institute for Public Opinion and Marketing Research - NIPO
Publisher Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Publication Year 2014
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; DANS License;
OpenAccess true
Language Dutch; Flemish
Resource Type Dataset
Format SPSS; PDF
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Life Sciences; Social Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences; Soil Sciences
Spatial Coverage Nederland; Netherlands