Continuous density log of icecore BER11C95_25


A 181 m long ice core was drilled at 79° 36' 51'' S, 45° 43' 28'' W, near the summit of Berkner Island, Antarctica 886 m a.s.l.). Berkner Island is located within the Filchner and Ronne Ice Shelves, and the ice near the summit shows little lateral flow. The density of the ice core was measured every 3 mm along ist length, using attenuation of a gamma-ray beam, which gave an absolute accuracy of 2%. As expected, there is a general density increase with depth, the maximum densities of > 900 kg/m**3 being reached just above 100 m depth. Comparison with electrical conductivity method (ECM) shows density variations with the same wavelength as annual signals, which can be seen in the ECM log (higher acidity during summer). In the shallowest part of the core, the density of winter layers is higher than that of summer layers, a relationship which is reversed at greater depth. We assume that the densification rates for the two types of firn are different. Similar density phenomena were observed on ice cores from Greenland, showing that such phenomena are not a local effect.

Supplement to: Gerland, Sebastian; Oerter, Hans; Kipfstuhl, Sepp; Wilhelms, Frank; Miller, Heinz (1999): Continuous density log of a 181 metre long ice core from the summit of Berkner Island, Antarctica. Annals of Glaciology, 29, 215-219

Related Identifier IsSupplementTo
Metadata Access
Creator Gerland, Sebastian ORCID logo; Wilhelms, Frank ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 1999
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Supplementary Dataset; Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 51175 data points
Discipline Geosciences; Geospheric Sciences; Glaciology; Natural Sciences
Spatial Coverage (-45.724 LON, -79.614 LAT)