The main objectives of the physical oceanography team during the MEDWAVES-ATLAS cruise were to characterize the hydrographic conditions and the structure of oceanic flow to determine the role of the Mediterranean Water in the circulation, over, and the Formigas seamount. To achieve the objectives a set of hydrographic stations were carried out to determinate the hydrographic conditions, the geostrophic circulation and to identify the water masses in the area. In each one of these hydrographic stations, a SBE9 s/n 0851 working at 24 Hz, coupled with a SBE11 (deck Unit) and a SBE32, with 24 bottles of 12 litres, was lowered at less than 55m/min. Besides, a Dual RDI Workhorse 300 khz (slave and master) Lowered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler was used in each station to measure ocean currents.