NIPO weekpeilingen 1991

Data derived from weekly public opinion polls in the Netherlands in 1991 concerning social and political issues. Samples were drawn from the Dutch population aged 18 years and older.

All data from the surveys held between 1962 and 2000 are available in the DANS data collections.

Background variables: Sex / age / religion / income / vote recall latest elections / party preference / level of education / union membership / professional status / left-right rating / party alignment / province / degree of urbanization / weight factor.

Topical variables: n9101: Whether respondent is informed about the next coming elections for the Provincial States / Voting intention at elections for the Provincial States / interest in national, provincial and municipal elections / Whether respondent's vote for the Provincial States is influenced by national politics / Influence of provincial politics of a political party on respondent's voting behaviour / Election of members of the Upper Chamber of the Dutch Parliament Eerste Kamer der Staten Generaal / Whether respondent is informed about the function of the Upper Chamber / Whether the Upper Chamber should be discontinued / Retrenchment policy of the present government / Contribution of various income brackets to the retrenchment policy / Whether the government more reckons with the employers or with the unions, or both. n9103: Donor card / Support for a proposed negative trans- plantation declaration / Use of soft drugs like hashish / Legalized sale of soft- and hard drugs. n9104: Cuts in social benefits to solve finance problems of Dutch government / Drinking beer and preferred national or international label / Preferred brand of biscuits. n9106: Checklist physical complaints / Respondents' health / Satisfaction concerning medical care by family doctors, specialists and during hospitalization. n9108: Importance of fight against crime, environmental pollution and unemployment, and respondents' willingness to pay extra taxes ( in terms of percentages ) for this purposes. n9109: Reactions to new financial government proposals . n9112: Respondent's opinion about the present government, and its policy concerning the economic situation, the environment, military affairs, taxes, transport / Confidence in CDA- and PvdA- politicians. n9113: Differences between PvdA and D66, between PvdA and Groen Links, between D66 and Groen Links / Cooperation between PvdA, D66 and Groen Links in a "Progressieve Volkspartij" / Preferred leader of such a "Progressieve Volkspartij" / Voting intention on such a "Progressieve Volkspartij" at coming elections. n9114: Trust in Swiss population / Whether respondent visited Switzerland / Intention to visit Switzerland / Familiarity with Swiss products, companies and services industries / Respondent's opinion about quality of Swiss products / Having a passport / Whether respondent mostly carries identity papers / Respondent's opinion about the identification duty, in general and in specific situations. n9117: Visiting theatres, concerts, museums, cinema / Respondent's opinion about continuation of the commemoration of the dead of the Second World War and the celebration of liberation day. n9119: Most admired living Dutch men / Most admired living Dutch women / Preferred broadcasting company / Whether respondent hanged out the Dutch flag at the Queen's Birthday and/or at liberation day. n9123: Respondent's and respondents' family members experiences with petty criminality, like stealing of bicycle, car, being intimidated, burglary. n9124: Respondent's familiarity with political situation in Surinam / Respondents opinion about Dutch military intervention / Whether Dutch development aid for Surinam should be continued after a complete restoration of democracy. n9125: Respondent's familiarity with the chairmanship of the board of ministers of the European Community: name of present chairman, which country will provide the next chairman, name of next chair- man, term of chairmanship / Whether respondent knew that the Dutch minister of Foreign Affairs, Hans van den Broek is the next chairman / Expectations concerning results of the Dutch chairman- ship and the influence of the Netherlands on the decision process. n9127: Whether respondent is well informed about the Parliamentary discussions concerning an increase in rent, rateable value ( huurwaardeforfait ), new educational system for the first three years of the secondary school, and raising of duty on petrol and diesel fuel / Respondents' opinion about the CDA-PvdA coalition / Living in an own house or a rented house / Having a car / Having children / Having school going children. n9131: Approval of the politics of various political parties / Respondents' opinion about the politicians Lubbers, Brinkman, Van Mierlo, Bolkestein, Kok, Wiegel / Whether respondent is informed about the proposed economy measures concerning social security / Willingness to pay more taxes to maintain the linking of the wages in trade and industry to social security benefits and civil service salaries / Willingness to pay more taxes to maintain the present level of incapacity for work payments. n9132: Economy measures concerning the Disablement Insurance Act ( WAO ) / Whether respondent will take part in demonstrations and strikes against the economy measures concerning the Disablement Insurance Act ( WAO ) / Whether the present CDA-PvdA coalition should resign. n9134: Frequency of taking part in the national lottery / Frequency of visiting a casino / Frequency of playing on a gambling machine ( fruitmachine ) and whether respondent is mostly gaining or loosing money or spending more money than intended / Being keen on gambling / Whether playing on a game machine is for fun or for making money. n9135: Frequency of taking a taxi / Frequency of travelling by train / Whether respondent heard about the train-taxi / Whether respondent is adhering the train-taxi project / Whether respondent will use the train-taxi. n9138: Respondent's opinion about the policy of the present government in general and concerning its financial policy, environmental policy, defense, public transport, fight against criminality, taxes, transport, employment, social policy, education, agriculture and fishery, and public health. n9139: Whether respondent listened to the Queens Speech at the opening of the Parliamentary year / Whether the proposed government plans are clear / Effect of the government plans on the national economy and the social security / Necessity of retrenchments / Trust in present government / Whether the present government should resign. n9140: Party congress of the Socialist Party ( PvdA ) / Whether the Minister of Finance ( W. Kok ) should resign / Support of socialist members of Parliament for the government / Desirability of new elections / Preferred coalition / Preferred prime-minister / Estimation of percentage of defense expenditures, expenditures for social services and employment, and in the field of education, in 1992. n9141: Extent of adjustment of ethnic minorities / Whether learning Dutch should be compulsory for immigrants who want to stay in the Netherlands / Whether children of immigrants should be raised according to Dutch values and beliefs or according to values and beliefs from their original cultural background / Compulsory education for children from immigrants / Whether the government should encourage the adaptation of immigrants or whether it should be passed on the immigrants themselves. n9143: Type of medical insurance / Respondent's opinion about the proposed changes in the medical insurance system ( Plan Simons ). n9145: Experiences with sexual intimidation in general and at work / Prevention of sexual intimidation / Role of mediators in cases of sexual intimidation / Sexual intimidation by women. n9146: Cooperation between left political parties / Whether respondent expects the foundation of a new progressive political party before the coming parliamentary elections / Whether respondent should vote for such a progressive party / preferred party leader of such a progressive political party / Approbation of enactments by the Upper Chamber / Being an advocate of abolishing the Upper Chamber. n9148: Expectations for 1992 concerning labour conflicts, peace, number of unemployed, economic situation / Expectations concerning a third world war / respondent's financial situation compared with 12 months ago / Way of celebrating Sinterklaas / Money spent for Sinterklaas presents / Way of celebrating Christmas, like having a Christmas tree, going to church, giving Christmas presents / Number of children younger than 6 years / Number of children between 6 and 12 years / Number of children of 12 years and older / Whether respondent will spent the Christmas holidays at home, with family and friends or on a holiday address.

Metadata Access
Creator Netherlands Institute for Public Opinion and Marketing Research - NIPO
Publisher Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Publication Year 2014
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; DANS License;
OpenAccess true
Language Dutch; Flemish
Resource Type Dataset
Format SPSS; PDF
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Life Sciences; Social Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences; Soil Sciences
Spatial Coverage Nederland; Netherlands