Grain size section mean data for the upper 1340 m of the EGRIP ice core and eleven c-axes stereo plots (all derived with the Fabric Analyzer G50)


Mean ice grain size and crystal-preferred orientation data was obtained from vertical thin sections (ca. 6.7 x 9 cm²) of the East Greenland Ice Core Project (EGRIP) ice core to analyze the microstructural evolution and internal deformation with depth. Vertical ice thin sections were prepared and measured with the Fabric Analyzer G50 (resolution: 20 μm/pixel) in the field at the EGRIP site in the summer seasons between 2017 and 2019. 55 cm long sample were cut into six thin sections and used to calculate mean grain size values for these 9 cm long sections with the program cAxes for the upper 1340 m of the ice core. The stated depth of the section represents the center of the section.At depths of 138.92 m, 276.88 m, 415.3 m, 514.48 m, 613.3 m, 757.21, 899.94 m, 1062.65 m, 1141.2 m, 1256.98 m, and 1339.75 m the orientation of each crystal in the representitive thin section was measured with the Fabric Analyzer G50 to analyze the internal deformation at those depths. Crystal orientations per sample are represented in eleven c-axes stereo plots from those depths. Stereoplots are not geographically truly orientated due to loss of orientation during ice core retrieval.

Related Identifier IsSupplementTo
Metadata Access
Creator Weikusat, Ilka ORCID logo; Stoll, Nicolas ORCID logo; Eichler, Jan ORCID logo; Kerch, Johanna ORCID logo; Jansen, Daniela ORCID logo; Kipfstuhl, Sepp ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2021
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 2607 data points
Discipline Geosciences; Geospheric Sciences; Glaciology; Natural Sciences
Spatial Coverage (-35.980 LON, 75.630 LAT); Greenland