This dataset comprises whole rock geochemistry of the Georgina Basin (Queensland, northern Australia) phosphorites and their locations, along with the underlying basement rocks (Sybella Granites, Proterozoic Schists and McNamarra Group metasediments of the Lawn Hill Platform). Phosphorite samples were collected in 2020 by the Geological Survey of Queensland from drillholes provided by individual companies that hold the tenements over the analysed prospects (Ardmore, Phosphate Hill, Duchess, Lily Creek, Sherrin Creek, DTREE, Barr Creek, Paradise North and Paradise South). Basement rock sample were collected during a field campaign in June-July 2021. Whole rock geochemistry was obtained through external laboratory (ALS Global) using lithium borate fusion method, with full dataset published previously by authors (Valetich et al., 2022 - Chemical Geology, v.588, 120654). Laser ablation and microprobe geochemistry of the individual phosphate (carbonate fluorapatite) clasts (phosclasts and microcrystalline carbonate fluorapatite) was carried out at Adelaide Microscopy (The University of Adelaide) using the procedures detailed in the publication linked to this dataset in the Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (G Cubed) journal.