Linguistically annotated multilingual comparable corpora of parliamentary debates in English ParlaMint-en.ana 4.1


ParlaMint-en.ana 4.1 is the English machine translation of the ParlaMint.ana 4.1 ( set of corpora of parliamentary debates across Europe. The translation is linguistically annotated similarly to the original language corpora (but without UD syntax), and with the addition of USAS semantic tags ( Because of the addition of semantic tags the UK corpus (ParlaMint-GB) is also included.

The translation to English was done with EasyNMT ( using OPUS-MT models ( Machine translation was done on the sentence level, and includes both speeches and transcriber notes, including headings. Note that corpus metadata is mostly available both in the source language and in English. The linguistic annotation of the speeches, i.e. tokenisation, tagging with UD PoS and morphological features, lemmatisation, and NER annotation was done with Stanza ( using the conll03 model (4 classes). The annotation of MWEs (phrases) and tokens with USAS tags was done with pyMusas (

Note that the English in the corpora contains typical NMT errors, including factual errors even when high fluency is achieved, and any use of this corpus should take the machine translation limitations into account.

The files associated with this entry include the machine translated and linguistically annotated corpora in several formats: the corpora in the canonical ParlaMint TEI XML encoding; the corpora in the derived vertical format (for use with CQP-based concordancers, such as CWB, noSketch Engine or KonText); and the corpora in the CoNLL-U format with TSV speech metadata. The CoNLL-U files include pyMusas USAS tags. Also included is the 4.1 release of the sample data and scripts available at the GitHub repository of the ParlaMint project at and the log files produced in the process of building the corpora for this release. The log files show e.g. known errors in the corpora, while more information about known problems is available in the (open) issues at the GitHub repository of the project.

As opposed to the previous version 4.0, this version fixes a number of bugs and restructures the ParlaMint GitHub repository. The DK corpus has now speeches also marked with topics. The PT corpus has been extended to 2024-03 and the UA corpus to 2023-11, where UA also has improved language marking (uk vs. ru) on segments.

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Metadata Access
Creator Kuzman, Taja; Ljubešić, Nikola; Erjavec, Tomaž; Kopp, Matyáš; Ogrodniczuk, Maciej; Osenova, Petya; Rayson, Paul; Vidler, John; Agerri, Rodrigo; Agirrezabal, Manex; Agnoloni, Tommaso; Aires, José; Albini, Monica; Alkorta, Jon; Antiba-Cartazo, Iván; Arrieta, Ekain; Barcala, Mario; Bardanca, Daniel; Barkarson, Starkaður; Bartolini, Roberto; Battistoni, Roberto; Bel, Nuria; Bonet Ramos, Maria del Mar; Calzada Pérez, María; Cardoso, Aida; Çöltekin, Çağrı; Coole, Matthew; Darģis, Roberts; de Does, Jesse; de Libano, Ruben; Depoorter, Griet; Depuydt, Katrien; Diwersy, Sascha; Dodé, Réka; Fernandez, Kike; Fernández Rei, Elisa; Frontini, Francesca; Garcia, Marcos; García Díaz, Noelia; García Louzao, Pedro; Gavriilidou, Maria; Gkoumas, Dimitris; Grigorov, Ilko; Grigorova, Vladislava; Haltrup Hansen, Dorte; Iruskieta, Mikel; Jarlbrink, Johan; Jelencsik-Mátyus, Kinga; Jongejan, Bart; Kahusk, Neeme; Kirnbauer, Martin; Kryvenko, Anna; Ligeti-Nagy, Noémi; Luxardo, Giancarlo; Magariños, Carmen; Magnusson, Måns; Marchetti, Carlo; Marx, Maarten; Meden, Katja; Mendes, Amália; Mochtak, Michal; Mölder, Martin; Montemagni, Simonetta; Navarretta, Costanza; Nitoń, Bartłomiej; Norén, Fredrik Mohammadi; Nwadukwe, Amanda; Ojsteršek, Mihael; Pančur, Andrej; Papavassiliou, Vassilis; Pereira, Rui; Pérez Lago, María; Piperidis, Stelios; Pirker, Hannes; Pisani, Marilina; Pol, Henk van der; Prokopidis, Prokopis; Quochi, Valeria; Regueira, Xosé Luís; Rii, Andriana; Rudolf, Michał; Ruisi, Manuela; Rupnik, Peter; Schopper, Daniel; Simov, Kiril; Sinikallio, Laura; Skubic, Jure; Tamper, Minna; Tungland, Lars Magne; Tuominen, Jouni; van Heusden, Ruben; Varga, Zsófia; Vázquez Abuín, Marta; Venturi, Giulia; Vidal Miguéns, Adrián; Vider, Kadri; Vivel Couso, Ainhoa; Vladu, Adina Ioana; Wissik, Tanja; Yrjänäinen, Väinö; Zevallos, Rodolfo; Fišer, Darja
Publication Year 2024
Rights Creative Commons - Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0); PUB;
OpenAccess true
Contact info(at)
Language English
Resource Type corpus
Format text/plain; charset=utf-8; application/octet-stream; downloadable_files_count: 31
Discipline Linguistics