This database contains trace element compositional data for apatite from 23 published (cited) datasets on bedrock apatite trace element compositions.
IM = Mafic I-type granitoids and Mafic Igneous rocksS = Felsic Granitoids (i.e. Aluminium Saturation Index > 1.1)LM = Low- and medium-grade metamorphic rocks (i.e. sub-upper-amphibolite facies) and eclogitesHM = High-grade (HT) metamorphic rocks and migmatitesUM = Ultramafic rocksALK = Alkali-rich igneous rocksAUT = Authigenic and fossil apatiteExplanation for this databaseThe intended use of this database is to support provenance studies by providing a database of apatite from known bedrocks of known composition against which detritus can be compared. This database will also find use for tephra vectoring and ore-deposit vectoring.The database incorporates apatite trace element data from almost all common lithologies on the Earth Surface, though data from orthogneisses is lacking.It is the authors' intention to update this database as more data become available or are deemed suitable for inclusion.The authors of this submission have added category labels to the data. These are derived partly from the results of K-means tests and PCA transformations previously performed upon the data, and are also simply derived from the names that the original authors of each of the constituent papers that constitute this database identified the rocks as. Users should feel free to use these categories or ignore them as they wish.Data were selectively incorporated into this dataset, not all data-points from the papers from which these data were collated are published here. In particular, rocks identified by the authors' of the original data that were identified as having been metasomatised were avoided, as they defy easy categorisation. Only the central values (in ppm) are provided.Some of the bedrocks were published with only mean values, others by each spot analysis, this is indicated in the database.All data were collected by ICPMS.