SrTb2O4 belongs to the family of rare-earth RE strontium oxides, SrRE2O4. These compounds, consisting of hexagons and triangles, are affected by geometrical frustration and therefore exhibit its characteristic features, such as a significant reduction of magnetic ordering temperatures and complex phase diagrams inan applied field. SrTb2O4 has previously been reported to order magnetically at 4.3 K. However, our measurement of magnetic susceptibility down to 0.5 K and heat capacity down to 0.4 K showed no signs of any magnetic transition. Our recent polarised neutron scattering measurements on D7, ILL confirmed the absence of ordering in SrTb2O4 down to at least 1.5 K. We propose to check the structure of crystal field levels in this compound, as its influence proved to be crucial for the magnetic properties of other members of the SrRE2O4 family, such as RE = Er, Ho, Dy.