Replication data of Gießelmann/Bruckner group for: "Mechanisms and Intermediates in the True Liquid Crystal Templating Synthesis of Mesoporous Silica Materials"


All primary data files of measurements and processed data of the associated journal article can be found here. Raw data from physisorption measurements can be found in the dataset of the Traa group. The data is structured according to experiment type and the material investigated and contains the following data types: PDF, TXT, PDH, GIF, DS8D, GFRM, XLSX All data was converted to easily readable data types, e.g. TXT. Additional raw data, namely DS8D and GFRM, can be opened with Pyris Software (Perkin Elmer) or SAXS (Bruker AXS), respectively.

General description of filenames:

"Type of Material""massfraction of P123""molar ratio of water to TMOS""time after mixing""unwarped".file extension

Type of Material: LLC - lyotropic liquid crystal, composed of water and the surfactant P123 LLC-HCl - lyotropic liquid crystal, composed of 0.1 N aqueous HCl solution and the surfactant P123 HM - hybrid material, mixture of water, tetramethyl orthosilicate (TMOS) and P123 MSM - mesoporous silica material, results from the HM after calcination SBA-15 - commercial mesoporous silica material, no other section of the filename is applicable P123 - commercial P123, no other section of the filename is applicable CholPal - commercial cholesteryl palmitate, used for calibration of the sample to detector distance for SAXS experiments in the same folder, no other section of the filename is applicable AgBeh - commercial silver behenate, used for calibration of the sample to detector distance for WAXS experiments in the same folder, no other section of the filename is applicable

Massfraction of P123: The massfraction always corresponds to the massfraction in the LLC or LLC parent system. It is calculated via w(P123) = m(P123)/[m(P123)+m(water)] The unit is wt.%

Molar ratio of water to TMOS: This term only applies to HM and MSM. It is calculated via n(water)/n(TMOS). The value is dimesnionless.

Time after mixing: This term applies only to the HM and referrs to the reaction time at 80°C after mixing water, TMOS and P123. Its unit is given with the file name.

Unwarped: This extension applies to WAXS data only. It indicates a post-meassurement treatment of the data, which takes into accoutn the non-spherical shape of the moveable detector.

Related Identifier IsCitedBy
Metadata Access
Creator Bruckner, Johanna R. ORCID logo; Beurer, Ann-Katrin
Publisher DaRUS
Contributor Giesselmann, Frank; Bruckner, Johanna R.
Publication Year 2021
Funding Reference DFG 358283783 - SFB 1333
Rights CC BY 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Giesselmann, Frank (University of Stuttgart); Bruckner, Johanna R. (University of Stuttgart)
Resource Type experimental data; Dataset
Format audio/x-aiff; text/plain; application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet; application/octet-stream; image/tiff; application/pdf; application/zip
Size 4201984; 1736; 90299; 94012; 94557; 93562; 94154; 94203; 91570; 94104; 93630; 91599; 93935; 94374; 93853; 88833; 47544; 6355759; 7319870; 7362911; 7357746; 9437492; 61322; 63135; 7362648; 7300785; 8324273; 8304997; 7362889; 7295896; 7316296; 1128527; 1128530; 298756; 35212; 1128566; 1128660; 300030; 38080; 1128542; 1128539; 298822; 38531; 5343165; 5347412; 2016193; 301061; 38307
Version 1.0
Discipline Chemistry; Engineering Sciences; Materials Science; Materials Science and Engineering; Natural Sciences; Physics; Process Engineering, Technical Chemistry; Technical Chemistry; Thermal Engineering/Process Engineering