Young People in Germany 2022. Implementation, response, instruments, and codebook of the representative survey JuMiD 2022


The research network MOTRA (Monitoring System and Transfer Platform Radicalisation), which includes the Institute of Criminology at the Faculty of Law of the University of Hamburg as well as eight partner organisations from science and research, pursues two central objectives: (1) A continuous, multi-method, cross-phenomenon monitoring of political radicalisation in Germany and (2) the establishment of a sustainable, institutionalised knowledge transfer between politics, practice, and science. Within this research network, it is the task of the MOTRA research group at the Institute of Criminology of the Faculty of Law at the University of Hamburg to gain insights into the spread of political-extremist attitudes, intolerance towards minorities and foreign groups as well as the acceptance of politically motivated violence in Germany and to analyse their changes over time (cf. Brettfeld et al. 2021). Furthermore, relevant influencing factors and social contextual conditions that favour the formation of political-extremist attitudes are to be analysed and identified on a theory-based basis. In order to realise this, the University of Hamburg, in cooperation with the field research institute Kantar GmbH, is conducting repeated, nationally representative surveys of the adult resident population living in the Federal Republic of Germany under the title "People in Germany" (MiD) (cf. Brettfeld et al. 2021; Wetzels et al. 2022b). The study "Young People in Germany" (JuMiD) complements these surveys of the MiD studies among the adult resident population. JuMiD is aimed specifically at young people and adolescents between 16 and 21 years of age (Brettfeld et al. 2021, p. 124). This supplementary representative survey of young people was conducted for the first time in 2022 and will be repeated in 2024. The JuMiD study looks into the question of what affects young people, how they evaluate current developments in society and what their opinions are on political and religious topics. The aim is to continuously observe, by means of regular repetitions of such surveys, how adolescents and young adults in Germany perceive society and politics, what needs or fears they have and what opinions and willingness to act they express. In this respect, this study should enable statements to be made on where young people see the need for social change and what they themselves are prepared to do to overcome the challenges facing our society and how this may change over time. Important elements of this are also surveys of attitudes towards democracy and civil rights, tolerance and acceptance or forms of rejection of foreign groups and minorities.The study also examines attitudes towards democracy, right-wing extremism and Islamism, as well as associated forms of acceptance of violence. This research report describes the survey instrument used in the first wave of this study (JuMiD 2022), the sample design used, the implementation of the survey and its response. The sample achieved and its quality are presented with regards to the representation of the basic population in view, including the weighting procedures carried out. The appendix to this research report contains the questionnaire with the exact wording of the questions used as well as the code book for the data set, from which the designation of the variables, their contents and coding can be taken.

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Metadata Access
Creator Diego Farren; Katrin Brettfeld; Rebecca Endtricht ORCID logo; Jannik M. K. Fischer ORCID logo; Peter Wetzels ORCID logo
Publisher Universität Hamburg
Publication Year 2023
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International; Open Access;; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Language English
Resource Type Report; Text
Discipline Other