As an update to the Northeast Greenland - Digital Bathymetric Compilation (, the updated digital bathymetric model (DBM) for the Northeast Greenland (NEG) continental shelf (74°N - 81°N) contains new original bathymetry data for the Northeast Greenland continental shelf, specifically in front of the 79 North Glacier, recorded during R/V Polarstern expedition PS100.This work was supported in part through the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) within the Special Priority Program (SPP) 1889 "Regional Sea Level Change and Society" (grant OGreen79), the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) within the GROCE project (Grant 03F0778A), and the NERC project "Greenland in a warmer climate: What controls the advance & retreat of the NE Greenland Ice Stream" (Grant NE/N011228/1).
Supplement to: Schaffer, Janin; Kanzow, Torsten; von Appen, Wilken-Jon; von Albedyll, Luisa; Arndt, Jan Erik; Roberts, David H (2020): Bathymetry constrains ocean heat supply to Greenland's largest glacier tongue. Nature Geoscience, 13(3), 227-231