Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
The Understanding Society, Wave 3, 2011-2012: Teaching Dataset is a cut-down version of the full Understanding Society Wave 3 data. Understanding Society, or the United Kingdom Household Longitudinal Study (UKHLS), began in 2009 and is a multi-topic household survey, the purpose of which is to understand social and economic change in Britain at the household and individual levels. This teaching dataset is designed to be used in teaching quantitative social sciences and for student reports. It consists of a selection of variables from the Wave 3 individual questionnaire, with added household-level variables and is designed for individual level analyses.
Main Topics:
Topics covered in the teaching dataset include family, occupation, neighbourhood, membership of organisations, health, social networks, personality, cognitive ability, and household information.
Multi-stage stratified random sample
See documentation for SN 6614 for details of Understanding Society sampling, and the documentation for this study for details of sampling used for the teaching dataset.
Compilation or synthesis of existing material
For more information about data collection for the main Understanding Society study, see documentation for SN 6614.