The Tara Oceans expedition (Karsenti et al. 2011) has collected seawater samples from all over the globe and the metagenomic analysis of a subset of these samples has been published (Sunagawa et al. 2015). In brief, a total of 243 samples from 68 stations were DNA shotgun sequenced and the resulting data processed using a bioinformatic pipeline (MOCAT: Kultima et al. 2012), which was developed to handle large-scale data sets, yielding high-quality sequencing reads, assemblies and gene predictions. Based on these data, an Ocean Microbial Reference Gene Catalog (OM-RGC) was generated, which comprises more than 40 million non-redundant gene-coding sequences. Here we provide the assemblies and gene predictions along with the annotated OM-RGC. Further information on gene profiles summarized at various levels of resolution (functional profiles) and taxonomic profiles for each sample, derived from metagenomic 16S rRNA tags (Logares et al. 2013) and metagenomic taxonomic units (Sunagawa et al. 2013) is available at Tara Oceans ocean microbiome assemblies can be downloaded from