Evidence Checks for the 2025 Palliative and End of Life Care Priority Setting Partnership Refresh


In 2025, Marie Curie, in partnership with the James Lind Alliance (JLA) and other organisations, undertook a Palliative and End of Life Care Priority Setting Partnership (PeolcPSP). This was co-funded by the Motor Neurone Disease Association and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) as part of UK Research and Innovation.The aim of this Priority Setting Partnership (PSP) was to identify priorities for palliative and end of life care research, from the perspectives of those with lived or professional experience of dying, death and bereavement. The 2025 Palliative and End of Life Care Priority Setting Partnership (JLA PEoLC PSP) represented a refresh of an earlier PSP that was published in 2015.This document outlines the results of two evidence checks completed by a consultant information scientist on behalf of the James Lind Alliance Palliative and End of Life Care Priority Setting Partnership (JLA PEoLC PSP).It provides a summary of the systematic reviews identified as a result of these two separate evidence checks. The first evidence check was conducted prior to the start of the 2025 Palliative and End of Life Care Priority Setting Partnership Refresh to establish whether any of the questions identified through the 2015 PSP had been adequately addressed by research. The second evidence check was conducted in 2024, once the longlist of questions had been identified in the refresh of the PSP, to ensure that no evidence uncertainties that had been addressed by research already were included in the final set of questions and priorities from the 2025 refresh, a standard part of JLA methodology. We hope this document provides a useful overview of systematic reviews that align with issues that people affected by dying, death and bereavement and the people who care for them identified as important to address through research.

DOI https://doi.org/10.5522/04/28342913.v1
Related Identifier HasPart https://ndownloader.figshare.com/files/52945544
Metadata Access https://api.figshare.com/v2/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=oai:figshare.com:article/28342913
Creator Hudson, Briony; best, sabine
Publisher University College London UCL
Contributor Figshare
Publication Year 2025
Rights https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
OpenAccess true
Contact researchdatarepository(at)ucl.ac.uk
Language English
Resource Type Report; Other
Discipline Other