Magnetic and nuclear structures ofelectric-field-induced ferromagnetic metal Ca2RuO4


In the 4d-electron layered calcium ruthenate Ca2RuO4, a complex interplay between equivalent spin-orbit coupling and electron correlation energies foster exotic physics, an area of significant interest in recent years. Importantly, the comparable energy scales of strong electron correlations and SOC in this ground state mean that Ca2RuO4 is highly susceptible to outside perturbation, where applied pressure or chemical substitution results in a transition from an AFM insulator to a FM metal. Recently it has been reported that under applied electric fields, Ca2RuO4 undergoes a metal-insulator transition (MIT) with concomitant structural modifications [8,9]. This MIT provides a unique opportunity to investigate the role of SOC and the interplay of structural and electron degrees of freedom. In 2015 we used the hot neutron diffractometer D9 with in-situ applied electric fields to reveal significant structural and magnetic modifications in the metallic state in Ca2RuO4. Here we propose to use D9 to complete our investigation of the nuclear and magnetic structures under applied electric fields.

Metadata Access
Creator Jain, Anil; Keimer, Bernhard; Kim, Bumjoon; Bertinshaw, Joel; Krautloher, Maximilian Josef; Gurung, Namrata; Rosa, Oscar Ramon Fabelo
Publisher Institut Laue-Langevin
Publication Year 2016
Rights OpenAccess; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Size 2 GB
Version 1
Discipline Particles, Nuclei and Fields