The SynSemClass synonym verb lexicon version 4.0 investigates, with respect to contextually-based verb synonymy, semantic ‘equivalence’ of Czech, English, and German verb senses and their valency behavior in parallel Czech-English and German-English language resources. SynSemClass 4.0 is a multilingual event-type ontology based on classes of synonymous verb senses, complemented with semantic roles and links to existing semantic lexicons. The version 4.0 is not only enriched by an additional number of classes but in the context of content hierarchy, some classes have been merged. Compared to the older versions of the lexicon, the novelty is the definitions of classes and the definitions of roles.
Czech lexicon entries are linked to PDT-Vallex (, Vallex (, and CzEngVallex ( The English lexicon entries are linked to EngVallex (, CzEngVallex (, FrameNet (, VerbNet ( and, PropBank (, Ontonotes (, and English Wordnet ( The German lexicon entries are linked to Woxikon (, E-VALBU (, and GUP (;