Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
The Cyber Security Longitudinal Survey (CSLS) aims to better understand cyber security policies and processes within medium and large businesses and high-income charities. It explores cyber security policies and processes over time and the likelihood and impact of a cyber incident.Cyber Security Longitudinal Survey: Wave 1, 2021 is the first research year of a three-year study. The main objective of this dataset is to establish a baseline of findings. This research is part of the government's £2.6 billion National Cyber Strategy 2022 to protect and promote the UK in cyber space. It also informs the government's work to improve the cyber resilience of organisations across the UK economy. Further information and additional publications can be found on the GOV.UK Cyber Security Longitudinal Survey webpage.
Main Topics:
The questionnaire covered the following topic areas:cyber profile of organisationsboard involvement in cyber securitycurrent cyber security policies and processes and any improvements made over the last 12 monthscyber incident managementsupplier risksinfluencers of changes in policies and processesuse and forms of cyber insurancesources of information organisations are aware of / use on cyber securityprevalence and impact of incidents
Multi-stage stratified random sample
Telephone interview: Computer-assisted (CATI)