This dataset contains the source code to reproduce the simulations for the REV-scale model presented in Kostelecky et al., Local Thermal Non-Equilibrium Models in Porous Media: A Comparative Study of Conduction effects, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. \TODO: add doi after acceptance.
REV_ltne.tar: compressed docker image (See for the structure of the code).
Open the image e.g. via
docker load --input REV_ltne.tar
Run a docker container with the previously loaded image (image name ltne) and the container name rev_ltne:
docker run -it --name rev_ltne ltne
Folder structure of the image: A folder porepy for the general porepy code and a folder local_thermal_non-equilibrium, where the specific code for the local thermal equilibrium (LTE) and local thermal non-equilibrium (LTNE) simulations can be found Information about the source repository (folder local_thermal_non-equilibrium within the docker image)