Raziskava je namenjena izvedbi dveh blokov iz mednarodne ankete ISSP, sklop o družini in sklop o narodni identiteti. Dodan pa je še sklop vprašanj, ki ugotavljajo stališča o lokalni demokraciji. Vsebina prvega dela vprašalnika zajema stališča o vlogi žensk v družini in pri zaposlitvi, skrb za otroke, delitev dela v gospodinjstvu, stališča do spolnih vlog, spolnosti in partnerskih razmerij, poroka, ločitev, homoseksualnost, vprašanja o abortusu. Drugi blok vprašalnika zajema stališča o ekologiji in ekološke navade. Začne se s stališčem glede ubogljivosti pri vzgoji. Narodna identiteta zajema razne vidike pripadnosti narodu, ponosa, nacionalizma in odnosa do priseljencev ter zaprtosti in nacionalne izključenosti oziroma odprtosti. Poglavje lokalna demokracija vključuje teme, povezane s politiko in volitvami, kjer anketirani ocenjujejo tudi delo županov in številnih svetov. Dodan je obsežen blok demografskih vprašanj.
The emphasis of the study is on replication of Modules from ISSP survey on Family and Changing Gender Roles and on National Identity. First part of questionnaire addresses attitudes toward role of women in public and private sphere, child care, division of work in a household, gender roles, sexuality and partnership relations, marriage, divorce, homosexuality, abortion. It begins with ones regarding importance of obedience as part of children's education. Second part of questionnaire brings forward questions regarding various topics on national identity, such as how "close" they felt to their respective countries, national pride, their nations' relations with other countries, and their nations' treatment of immigrants and minority groups. Those queried were asked to describe the pride they felt towards their countries' accomplishments in the following areas: political influence, economics, social security, science and technology, sports, the arts, armed forces, history, and treatment of others. A series of questions probed for respondents' views regarding international relations, including foreign trade restrictions, international problem-solving attempts, foreign language education, the purchase of land by foreigners, the nationality of television programs and movies, and the benefits of membership in regional international organizations. Third part addresses attitudes toward local democracy. Questions about politics, election, local community, municipal council, mayor and party memberships were asked. Large section of demographic question is situated at the end.
Verjetnostno: po skupinah: stratificirano slučajnoProbability.Cluster.StratifiedRandom
Probability: Cluster: Stratified randomProbability.Cluster.StratifiedRandom
Osebni intervju: PAPIInterview.FaceToFace.PAPI
Face-to-face interview: Paper-and-pencil (PAPI)Interview.FaceToFace.PAPI