Sources and Targets in Kuteva et al. 2019


This dataset is based on examples found in Kuteva et al. 2019: Kuteva, Tania, Bernd Heine, Bo Hong, Haiping Long, Heiko Narrog, and Seongha Rhee. 2019. World Lexicon of Gramaticalization (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Kuteva et al.’s World Lexicon of Grammaticalization (2019) is an inventory of examples of morphological reanalysis observed across a sample of over 900 languages. The goal of Kuteva et al.’s inventory is to represent grammaticalization changes that are documented in multiple languages. The examples are cataloged as types defined by Source to Target shifts, such as Ablative > Partitive, that are attested in two or more languages of the sample. The inventory lists 526 Source > Target types. The purpose of this dataset is to explore how many Sources also serve as Targets, and to provide a broad semantic classification of the Sources. The classification is intended only for general description of patterns, and does not represent a precise assignment to mutually exclusive classes. Its purpose is to give a qualitative overview and thus does not lend itself to further quantitative analysis. This dataset is the basis for the analysis in Section 4 of this publication: Janda, Laura A. To Appear. “Morphological reanalysis: recycling old form to new function”, as part of Volume 3 Morphology & Syntax, Part 1 Morphology of The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Diachronic Linguistics, edited by Edith Aldridge, Anne Breitbarth, Katalin É. Kiss, Adam Ledgeway, Joe Salmons, and Alexandra Simonenko.

Metadata Access
Creator Janda, Laura Alexis ORCID logo
Publisher DataverseNO
Contributor Janda, Laura Alexis; UiT The Arctic University of Norway; The Tromsø Repository of Language and Linguistics (TROLLing)
Publication Year 2023
Rights CC0 1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Janda, Laura Alexis (UiT The Arctic University of Norway)
Resource Type Inventory of types of grammaticalization; Dataset
Format text/plain
Size 3919; 5435
Version 1.0
Discipline Humanities